Writer’s Workshop:How I’m Feeling.
NaBloPoMo Day3…..
First a little background. Life has been hectic this week, and I was going to write about it, but I stumbled upon Mama Kat’s Writers Workshop for the first time today and the writing prompt was “Write a post in just 8 lines.” So…..
I’m tired.
I’m brain dead.
I’m overworked, and underpaid.
My child has a terrible case of the terrible twos.
He sure is cute though.
Dinner still needs to be cooked.
My house is a mess.
I’m just writing this post at 4 in the afternoon.
Ha! Sounds like my life. I am deeply entrenched in the terrible (sometimes, sometimes not) twos as well. And the cuteness factor is definitely a saving grace!
He sure is cute. Girl on days I don’t cook I keep cheese and bread grilled cheese it is or cereal whichever is easy. Have a great weekend.