15 Books That Every Black Woman Should Own

If you are an avid reader, keep scrolling this post for 15 Books that every black woman should own. ( and everyone else too).

15 Books that every Black Woman Should Own

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I’ve been an avid reader since childhood. But I didn’t really realize that there were books about girls, women, and people who look like me until around the 6th grade.  It was a transitional year for me since I switched schools in the middle of the year.

Every day after school, I waited in the library by my school for my mother to pick me up. And while I waited, I discovered a small section of the library full of stories and ideas and information about black people.  It was…life changing. I can tell you that that semester of school, I devoured almost everything in that section.  And that summer,

It was…life changing. I can tell you that that semester of school, I devoured almost everything in that section.  And that summer,

I can tell you that that semester of school, I devoured almost everything in that section.  And that summer, I finished the rest. That was when my habit of reading a book in a day began. That was when I started to spend all of my allowance on books. That was the year my love of books was solidified.

So I’ve read every book on this list. Many many times.  And so I can honestly recommend them all.  Some are not my favorites of the author’s but they are important and I feel like that should be read at least once.  

I feel like these books should be on every bookshelf of every black woman. These are 15 books that every black woman should own.  This is by no means a comprehensive list.  After all, there are only 15 books on it.  But I hope it sparks your interest, provides a starting point.

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15 Books That Every Black Woman Should Own

15 Books That Every Black Woman Should Own

Like I said in the beginning, this is by no means the lists of all lists. But I feel like these 15 books are a start. There are several more fiction and nonfiction that I think everyone should own, or at least read. Maybe that’s for another post at another time. In the meantime, in the comments, tell me what books resonated with you? What book is the one that opened your eyes, made you laugh or cry, enlightened you , or just made you feel good?

Sound off in the comments!


  1. I’ve read a few of these. Great list. I loved Waiting to Exhale and The Color Purple.. I need to check out Nappily ever after and The Bluest Eye. They sound like great reads. Thanks for the heads up! :-).

  2. Snuggling up on the couch is one of my favorite things to do! ‘Waiting to Exhale’ and ‘I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings’ were two of the first books I had ever read by African American authors, and I have been hooked ever since. “Kinder’ in on my kindle now waiting to be read.

  3. I’ve only read a few of these. I obviously have some catching up to do. I’m going to try audio books because it is hard finding a home for all of the books I own.

  4. Truth be told, I haven’t read any of these here. I’ve seen that two that are movies, but I just don’t read many novels. Maybe I’ll read some.

  5. I love a great book. I haven’t read all of these so I will definitely put them on my Goodreads list. My goal for February is to read 3 books and / or read 30 minutes a day (since I’m working on less phone screen time). Thanks for the reminder! 😉

  6. For many of these books I’ve seen the movie or play but have not read the book. I think this list is a good place to start for some one who wants to read more.

  7. I love to read and have been an avid reader since I was a little child. My mom was always calling me to come and I was usually somewhere reading a book. I need to catch up and read several of these books.

  8. I have discovered a lot of great black authors by going to the library and just looking around the shelves. I have read many on your list years ago I too am an avid reader.

  9. I have already read quite a few books on the list. I feel you can’t have The Bluest Eye on the list without having Strange Fruit by Lillian Smith…a true must read for every black woman

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