As Seen In My Life

So I got my new 50 mm 1.8  lens, and I’m not quite comfortable with it.  I’ve really got to get used to moving myself instead of the lens doing the work for me. I do love the sharpness of the lens though. And the bokah…..

So I decided to carry my camera around for a whole day and take photos of my day.  So warning: this post is photo heavy.  I took these on Sunday….

He slept all night, but he was up at the crack of dawn on his bike…

And asking for milk and cheese…

By this time, I needed Coffee, and had a new creamer to try…

I didn’t like it much by the way.

Pookah decided he wanted peaches….

While I had my Kashi…

Potty training continues…
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Pookah and his Daddy went to get haircuts, and I was left with this…

When they came back, it was lunchtime…

and for me…

Then naptime for Pookah. Should have been for me to but when else am I going to get something done?
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He woke up and it was nice and sunny outside sooo….
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(love the Bokah on that new lens….)

Finally, time for me to go to work after no nap, and a full day…
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But hey, that’s My Life….


  1. Is that a Zaxby salad good choice. It’s potty time *doing the potty dance* girl I am so glad I am out of those diapers. I can’t stand when toys are all over my den area actually I can’t stand toys all over the place at all. Everytime a toy is taken out of the box I put it back lol.

  2. Ok, clearly I’m a foodie or greedy because I’d recognize a Zaxby’s Salad anywhere. 🙂 These are nice shots. I have a Canon too. It’s a smaller cam so it can always fit in my purse. What’s the megapix on this? These are great shots.

  3. I don’t know the difference between any type of camera or lens or anything else but I really like these pictures. Then again I think Pookah is so cute that I just love all of his pictures. LOL

  4. These pictures look great! So sharp and crisp! I’m so hoping to get a “real” camera soon. I don’t know when it will happen, but I know you’ll get comfortable with your camera the more you use it.

  5. Go on Mrs. Photographer! I know nothing about cameras and lenses, but I do know you take great pictures. Keep at it! By the way, I bought the Creme Brule creamer also, but I haven’t tried it yet. Now I’m sad because you said it wasn’t great 🙁

  6. Great pics! You know what the funny thing was? The 7th pic down, you took a pic of pookah’s toys, and he has the activity table with green legs upside down.. and i looked up from my laptop and saw the same activity table that my little guy has – and it was also upside down exactly the same way! Ha! These kids are a trip. My son rather put it upside down and sit on it like he’s sailing in a boat then play the activities the right way. o_O

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