As Seen In My Life
Pookah and I have been together for the last 2 + weeks. Today, he is at daycare and I am going to sleep in an empty house. Peacefully. I love love LOVE my boy. But I just know I can’t be a full time stay at home mom. I would love to be able to stay at home…but still send him to daycare…… At least part time. 🙂
But anyway, we’ve had our struggles these last few weeks until I discovered all the keywords that they MUST use at daycare to get him to do things. Like eat lunch for instance. I had been saying “Are you hungry?” To which he would say “No.” The child just wouldn’t eat lunch. Until one day, out of the blue I said “Let’s have lunch”. “OK” was his reply. And he ate. No fuss. Wow. A-maaaa-zing( as my Pookah would say).
I wish I had a problem not eating lunch! 🙂 Popped in from SITS!
Lol well he ate. I know being at home is a job itself. It’s not for everyone and it’s not easy.
Yes, you can get a lot of tips from daycare. Those pictures are so adorable. Look at his little facial expressions. Too cute. Happy Eating. Happy New Year! 🙂
Yes! The “keywords”! Its the funniest thing.. a simple play on words makes all the difference in getting our toddlers to do what we want, lol
I was always told: never ask a question that you won’t be okay with the answer. Kids are funny that way. But I find the same thing is true with my daughter when it’s time to eat. Always have to ask the right question.
Like you I couldn’t be a full time stay at home mom unless Jas was out socializing at least part time.
AMEN, amen amen
We had a full two weeks with the little man too…Enjoy the quiet!!!
As a former preschool teacher and nanny of a 3yr old and 5yr old, I love this post! The children I nanny for answering everything I ask with a yes or no ma’am. Their parents can’t get an mmhmm out of them. 🙂 Most of the children I have worked with acted completely different from me than they did with their parents. I wonder if your pookah is the same way! 😀
I know he is! That’s why i am going to start asking his teacher: what do you say?what do you do?
I gurantee his teachers answer will surprise you! 🙂
Sometimes teachers have great advice you can use at home. I don’t hesitate to ask.
Btw love the pics!
The second pic is so funny. He’s looking like . . . I don’t know mom . . . what is this?? Make sure to get all the keywords you can get from them. Hmmmm . . . . I wonder if there are keywords for husbands???
That is what they told me at Zekey’s daycare, too. Don’t give them options. Tell them what we are about to do. I keep forgetting, though… Anyway, girrrrrl, your pictures are AMAZING. Seriously. TEACH ME!
Thank you so much! I e been working hard. I’m getting ready to take a class with Clickin Moms! Got to keep learning!