August Eyecandy 2018 Photo a Day Project

So last year when I decided to do the August Eyecandy Photo a Day project, I didn’t know if anyone would be interested. But I’m happy to say that you all showed up and our community grew!!’s time for August Eyecandy 2018!

august eyecandy photo a day


August Eyecandy 2018

How to Join up:

  • Simple: Just check the list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your inspiration.
  • Then, share your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #augusteyecandy.
  • Go through the #augusteyecandy hashtag to like and comment and be a part of the community.
  • Every Friday in August, I will go through and share four photos from the hashtag that have captured my attention.
  • If you need an easy way to remember the prompts, CLICK here or the photo above to download it to your computer or your phone. OR just take a screenshot and save it!

And this year, I am delighted to say that Chatbooks will be joining us to give away a Chatbook to one lucky participant! To enter, all you have to do is follow @chatbooks on Instagram and post a photo during the challenge using the hashtag #augusteyecandy. A winner will be randomly chosen after the challenge is completed and will receive instructions on how to get their free Chatbook!

As you know, I am a big proponent of getting your photos off of your devices and computers and into your hands. Chatbooks makes that so easy for you! Their easy photo books are perfect for vacations, events, and challenges on Instagram like August Eyecandy.


Here is an explanation of all the prompts for the August Photo A Day….

  1. You at the Beginning: A Selfie
  2. Summertime: Show us what summer looks like in your part of the world
  3. In the Middle: something in the middle of two things
  4. Morning Light: What does the light look like this morning?Is it dreary, bright? yellow? hazy?
  5. Can’t Live Without: What can’t you live without?
  6. Today Was: Tell/Show us about this day.
  7. What I’m reading: What are you reading?
  8. In Your Bag: What’s in your bag?
  9. Grateful for: practice gratefulness today and show us what you are grateful for.
  10. Fri-yay: Its Friday, show us how you feel
  11. A Portrait: Take a portrait of someone
  12. Sunday Morning: What does your Sunday Morning Look like?
  13. Where I live: What does that look like? could be your house, the city you live in, your block…
  14. 5’o Clock: this could be AM or PM. What ‘s happening at 5?
  15. What’s for Dinner: show us!
  16. Hot: Show us something hot
  17. Blue: show us something blue
  18. Obsessed: what are you obsessed with?
  19. On the Table: What’s on your table?
  20. Where you work: Show us your workstation, your building, your cubicle
  21. Up Close: get close to something and take a photo
  22. Love: what do you love, who do you love, what does love look like to you
  23. Breakfast: what’s for breakfast?
  24. A Smile: show us one”; yours or someone else’s
  25. A hobby: show us yours
  26. Black and White: take a photo in black and white or something that is black and white
  27. Something old: show us something old…to you
  28. Something You wore: Take a photo of something you wore: outfit of the day, shoes, hat, lipstick…
  29. From Above: take a photo from above
  30. Starts with an “A”: take a photo of something that starts with an A
  31. You at the End: another selfie

I can’t wait to see everyone’s photos for August Eyecandy 2018!!! Make sure you are following me on Instagram @lashawnwiltz!

Pin this and share it with your friends so they can join too!

august eyecandy 2018

Can’t wait to see your photos starting next Wednesday ,August 1st!

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