My September Book List and the Books Beats and Wine Book Club

Yes, I know. I usually post my reading list at the beginning of the month so you can follow along. But listen: the way my life has been set up lately, I need a pass! LOL. But I wanted to still come and share what I’m reading this month along with telling you about  The Books Beats and Wine Book Club.

Me holding books for my September reading list talking about Books Beats and Wine Bookclub


There are only 3 books on my list this month. ( 3 official books. I am listening to a few others and re-reading one, so they don’t count…really). 

1.Speaking of Summer: A Novel  by Kalisha Buckhanon


I saw this post on someone’s Instagram feed and was like omg that’s a pretty book! The cover was just glorious and who doesn’t want to read a pretty book? I read the blurb and decided that it would be worth a read, and ordred it from the library. I finally got it last week after being on the list for a month

2.The Revolution of Birdie Randolph by Brandi Colbert


This one, I saw on Goodreads. It was on one of those lists and I again, ordered it from the library. It too took a month, but came in the same week as Speaking of Summer. It’s a young adult book, but it sounds good. I like the YA genre. It’s much better than what I was reading at this age ( see Disappearing Acts)

3. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison


So, MJ ( What MJ Loves) and I have been chit-chatting about starting a book club for about 2 years now. SMH. It wasn’t until our book she-ro Toni Morrison passed, that we got ourselves together. We both wanted to re-read all of her books and decided that now was the perfect time to do it. So we started the  Books Beats and Wine book club. Because we love books, music…and wine LOL. To get us started, we are doing this all on the gram, BUT stick with us as we get ourselves together and evolve. We think reading, speaking and sharing books by authors of color is something that everyone can benefit from. Join us! 

Our Books Beats and Wine book club is for everyone and we can’t wait to talk about BOOKS!

.So..what are you reading this month?


One Comment

  1. I’d like to join in with your book club. I would love to have one but I can’t find anyone willing to join! LOL! Haven’t found that friend who loves to read the same books at the same time yet, but I’m still looking!

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