Currently-October Edition

Watching: Blackish. Every week, I am pleasantly surprised by this show! It keeps getting better and better. I was initially turned off by the title, but was willing to give it a go because seriously, how many shows are there out there about black families that aren’t reality tv based? I’ll wait….

Listening To: Sam Smith. Don’t sleep fam, don’t sleep. His album is just….I can listen to it all day. ALL.DAY.

Planning: My Blogalicious trip. See, this involves not only me getting to San Antonio and back, but the feeding and taking care of husband and child while I’m gone. For 4 days, the two of them will be left to their own devices. Three of those are school days. So for those days I just have to make sure Pookah has clothes laid out for each day, food laid out in the refrigerator for lunch….you get the point. This is going to be…interesting. So interesting that I don’t think I’ll go anywhere else for a looooong time. A loooong time.

Looking Forward to: Rest. I feel like I’ve been burning my little candle at both ends. Daily. Everyday all day. I’ve been working from home about 3 weeks now. It’s good. I love being able to take Pookah to school everyday and be here when he gets home. I love FINALLY being able to cook a meal for us most nights of the week. I love that I can get up and workout in the morning now because I don’t have to spend an hour in traffic.  I love that most days, my house is clean because I have the energy to do it. But, I think I’ve been trying to do too much. I’ve got this need to prove I can do it all when I know it’s not possible. I’m working on it, but for now, I’m exhausted.

Reading: Nothing. And that’s sad. Suggestions?

Making me happy: My little boy has a wiggly tooth. That means that soon this smile will be changing.


Sigh. Time flies.

What’s currently going on in your life?


  1. I still haven’t watched Blackish yet, just never have the time for tv anymore.

    I’m getting prepared to go to the Wow conference next weekend and I’m getting excited about it since Florida is like a second home to me.

    Aww look at Pookah! Such a sweet photo!

  2. I lurve sam smith. He has an amazing voice and I’m still mad they added Mary J to stay with me. She ruins it forreal.

    I lurve black-ish too. It makes me LMAO

  3. I love Sam Smith. I was introduced to him when I moved to this side of the world. His voice is so captivating.

    Man, how did I miss that you’re working from home now. Ahh, that’s so my goal. I have big plans for it too, like ditching the alarm clock.

    Can’t wait to see Pookah in all of his snuggle glory. Those are the best smiles.

  4. What a fun post!!
    I haven’t done something like this in a long time.

    And what an adorably cute young man you have there!!! Love it!

    I’ve watched Blackish quite a few times and have really liked it. I love shows that aren’t afraid to honestly show what family life can be like. 🙂

    Have a great day!

  5. Love love love Sam Smith. I haven’t gotten into blackish once I see a show the first two times and it does nothing for me I can’t get the energy to watch it even if its good I am weird like that lol.

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