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DEM THRONES. Listen. I know a lot of folks don’t watch. And that’s cool. BUT I WATCH. I am a longtime fan of the books, so I’ve been invested in this since George R.R. Martin never finished the series. We only have what, 4 episodes left? Chile..I’m not ready. I feel like they are all gonna die and Cersai will rule cause the writers love playing us.
Let me say first that I FINISHED AMERICAN MARRIAGE! Once I got through the main thing that happens in the book, it went better. I think I had been dreading it. BUT, I hated the ending. It was so…blah. I don’t really know HOW it could have ended. But I felt anti-climatic. That’s all. I’m now reading The World According to Fannie Davis: My Mother’s Life in the Detroit Numbers.
Being honored at Mom 2.o Summit for my third Iris Award. My co-nominee Designer Daddy and I won for best-sponsored content for this post.( Side note, that pantsuit was everything)
It’s one thing to be nominated for my Instagram or my photography, but this one is more special to me. Why? Number one: I almost said no to the post ( trying to block that blessing). Number two: this one was so personal to me. And three: It’s work. It’s what I do. And to be honored for that work is just so special to my heart.
Summer plans!!! WHY IS CAMP SO EXPENSIVE??? I’m over here plotting all the free camps I can and making sure I fit in a few others so that Pookah won’t spend all summer playing Fortnite! So far, I have a STEM camp ( free through his school), Apple Camp hopefully, a reading camp that I paid dearly for and maybe a fun camp in July that is a weekly thing. Oh and camp Grandmama Rose. Free 99.
A week long, get in the frame challenge on Instagram. Remember this post about getting in the frame? Well, since Mother’s Day is Sunday after next, I thought it would be nice if all of us got in the frame, every day, the week leading up to mother’s day. So Monday, May 6th through Sunday, May 12th!
And yes, there are prompts.
Monday: Who Are You? Introduce Yourself
Tuesday: What do you love?
Wednesday: Your Morning routine
Thursday: No Filter
Friday: Your Smile
Saturday: Me Time
Sunday: You and Dem Babies
The beauty of this is that these can be writing prompts as well as photography prompts. Make a blog post, make an Instagram post, put it on Facebook. But do it! And tag me and add the hashtag #eyecandygetintheframe
I’m going to continue to get in the frame at least once a month, but I thought we all could use a jumpstart in getting comfortable with getting in the frame. Because we deserve it and so do our kids.
GOOD. so good. At Mom 2, Brene Brown said
Success is knowing what you have is enough.
I’m at a place in my life where I’m good. I have a family, I have a home, I have this blog and my community and I make money doing what I love.
I’m good.
Do I want more? Of course, that’s human nature!!! But I’m so so happy and grateful for what I DO have.
For the first time in my life, I am content.
So that’s what’s going on in my life this May!
What’s going on in yours?
Congratulations on your Iris Award win!! And thank you again for the Mother’s Day inspired Get In The Frame challenge. I took some of the best photos of myself and my kids that I’ve taken in a long while. And it was absolutely fun and has helped me to build my confidence more with my photo-taking skills. It was a great reminder for me to get in the picture more so that when my kids look back on our memories they’ll know that I was there.