A Day in the Life {Volume 1)

A day in the life photography project in Atlanta

I haven’t done a TRUE Day in the Life project in many many moons. My Saturdays project was kind of a day in the life project every week, but in it’s most condensed form.

I miss that project.

But last Thursday,  I was off of work and Pookah had to go to the Doctor so no camp for him. I thought to myself: what better day to document? It was a perfect summer day almost. He survived getting blood drawn after much much compromise and bribery. We got to eat lunch with Daddy at his favorite place. Where the manager remembered him from this post 2 years ago. LOL.

We went to the movies where he enjoyed finding Dora and eating Popcorn

We blew bubbles and he helped Daddy put up his father’s day gift.

It was a good day.  I’m so glad I decided to document it.

early morning in the kitchen

a day in a life-4

a day in a life-5

a day in a life-7

a day in a life-8

a day in a life-10

a day in a life-11


a day in a life-13

a day in a life-14

a day in a life-15

a day in a life-17

a day in a life-18

a day in a life-19


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a day in a life-22

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a day in a life-26

a day in a life-27

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a day in a life-30

a day in a life-31

a day in a life-32

a day in a life-33

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a day in a life-36

a day in a life-37

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a day in a life-40

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a day in a life-42

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a day in a life-48

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  1. Whew I am tired and it’s time for me to nap after that type of day. Lol I love these days in the life we need to do one every month….on a certain day. I think I will do that starting in August when the kids go back to school. I love doing it but I have to break down my days for every 2-3 hours.

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