Fathers Day, IUDs and other Shenanigans….

Happy Monday afternoon!

How was your weekend?

Mine revolved around the man, because hey, it was Father’s Day weekend.

Instead of retaliating because of my Mother’s Day fiasco ( see here), I decided to show him how it SHOULD be done.

It started with the gift he requested. (Yes, he requested a gift). It wasn’t cheap, but I got it. He looooooves it.

Then, we went to dinner at PF Chang’s on Saturday.  I love them. Especially since they have that great Gluten Free menu.  Pookah can eat, we can eat. Eveybody’s happy.

And their Pina Colada is to die for!!!!

Sunday dawned and I cooked a BIG breakfast for him. BIG I say! LOL

And then we( Pookah and I ) left him alone. Apparently, he wanted to sleep ALL day and watch golf.

I cooked dinner( again HUGE).

And that was that.

I tried desperately to get photos, but neither one of my subjects cooperated at the same time.






In other news, I got my IUD placed this morning.

That was……interesting to say the least. I mean…DANG!

But I did a little jig as I walked out of the dr’s office.

Now, baring a miracle, there will be no unexpected children for a minute.  I can breathe….relax….get on dayshift and get my life together before I have another.

Other than that, I am just chillin around here. Still trying to recover fully from my last two nights at work. They were hellish to say the least.  I actually might have to do a Work post to tell you guys about it. SMH.

Pookah is peeing on the potty about 80% of the time that I take him. I just have to remember to be consistant.  A couple of times, he told me that he had just “pee pee in da pull up mommy.” Sigh. Well, at least he knows!

Well, I’ll talk to you guys later.

How was your weekend?



  1. The pictures are great, sometimes they are the best. I read the Mother’s Day post, wow you are good. I got roses and brunch, but I did the thing yesterday! I’m sure no one needs to tell you that you need a vacation…hopefully soon, something fun.

  2. Haha! I like how you showed him how it should be done…although he probably won’t remember next year. *_* Oh well. There is hope. Now that IUD…powerful stuff I hear. Yes, now all you have to do is concentrate on day shift…you need a shift change BADLY. And as for Pookah and the potty training…80% is success, and the fact that he knows to sound the alert if he doesn’t go in the potty is an even greater achievement.

  3. Love the pictures you still captured some great shots. Fathers day was the same around here went out to dinner Saturday, cooked a huge breakfast and left him alone. I did not cook dinner however he had a sandwich….that is all.

  4. Great pics! You hooked it up for Father’s Day. The hubs spent his day taking care of everybody else – you know since I’m glued to this bed for the next few weeks. Will have to make it up to him…

  5. Wow.. What a sweet family and I am sure a lot of people will agree with me.. Belated happy father’s day everyone!

  6. The pics are so great! Glad to hear you had an awesome Father’s Day. I can’t lie. I did lot more than a Jig when I got my IUD placed! 🙂 It was more along the lines of the carlton shuffle! LOL

  7. Love the father and son photos! The man should be very happy and should start planning right now for the next Mother’s Day!

    We went to a family fun day event on Saturday morning, shopping that afternoon, and a family cookout on Sunday. Good times, but total exhaustion.

    Hugs and Mocha,

  8. Your pictures are gorgeous! I love father/son shots. It sounds like you did an awesome job at giving your hubs a sweet Father’s Day! Job well done. I’m sure he’s taking notes on what to do when your day rolls around again. Or at least that’s my hope. 🙂

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