5 Gluten Free After School Snacks Your Kid Will Love
Can you believe that school is getting ready to start? Some of my Georgia Mamas go back today, but Pookah has one more week until we start.
In the meantime, I’ve just started ( don’t judge me) buying school supplies, uniforms and thinking about lunches. Which made me think about snacks. Because I don’t know about your child, but when mine gets home from school he is STARVING! I’m always tempted to just buy a bag of chips on the way home, but really, I’m trying to be more mindful this year and make healthier gluten-free lunches and healthier gluten-free after school snacks. Because all of it is brain food and I want my child to live his best life. Don’t you? But after school snacks don’t have to be rocket science. Simple, healthy and tastes good do go together. LOL.
So I thought I’d share some ideas I had for 5 EASY ( emphasis on that) Gluten Free After School Snacks that your Kid Will Love.
1.Apple Slices and Annie’s Gluten Free Chewy Granola Bars
Simple, easy and a no brainer for everyone Kids love sweet Apple slices and Granola Bars add that little bit of sweet to make this the perfect snack.
2. Grapes and Gluten Free Multi Grain Crackers
I like these crackers because they give the illusion of chips, but are baked! And Grapes are always fun for the kids!
3. Cheese Squares and Gluten Free Crackers
Again, easy! Pookah loves cheese and I usually give him the crackers with fun shaped cheese and Glutino Gluten Free Crackers.
4. Hummus and Carrot Sticks
Kids love to dip. And what better to dip that something healthy like carrots? Also, if you child will eat it, celery works well with this too.
5. Fruit and Gluten Free Animal Cookies
There is something about Animal cookies that every child loves. And you can’t go wrong with strawberries and blueberries! Mix this one up with orange or apple slices or even sliced up melon!
These are just a few things to get you started with gluten-free after school snacks. And remember, all of the gluten-free snacks here can be substituted for non-gluten free ones!
A Few tips:
- I like to make these the night before so they are ready when my son gets home from school. That way, he can just go the refrigerator and grab it. That way, I don’t have to stop working to fix him a snack. Plus, it promotes independence!
- Some gluten free after school snacks can be ordered in bulk online with Amazon. Consider using it to keep your snacks ready in bulk so that you never run out!
So those were a few easy gluten free after school snacks, what do you guys give your kids?
The Fab Five is Back! This post is a series of post from the Fab Five about Back to school tips that we can all use. Head on over to the links below to see what tips everyone else has for Back To School!
Kita: 5 Tips to Get Through Middle School
MJ: 5 Daily Affirmations for Kids
Bernetta: 5 Ways to Handle Back to School with Multiple Children & Schools
Mimi:5 Ways to Get Organized for Back to School
The apple slices and the granola bars look yummy! I am sure my daughter would love all of these snacks, and I just love that they are gluten free!
This is a great post for those who have allergies! I love fruit buy my kids throw them away so I never send them with any anymore.
I love those containers for snack time!! I try to do gluten free as much as we can, even though we aren’t intolerant we just feel so much better doing less. These are doing great!!
My niece has to eat gluten free. My kids don’t have dietary needs so having gluten free foods ready for her visits can be confusing for me. Thanks for this easy list of snacks to keep on hand!
These all look like great after-school snacks my boys would love. They always are so hungry when they come home from school! (okay, they are growing boys so I guess I should say they are ALWAYS hungry lol)
After school and before dinner is my worst time for snacking. I need healthy options for me too! These all sound like the perfect combos for all of us.
All of those snacks look delish!
each and every one was kid tested lol.