Instagram Storytellers with @Fostermoms
Every day I scroll my Instagram feed and I see gorgeous storytelling. I am starting a new series here on Everyday Eyecandy, where every month, I talk to one of my favorite Instagram storytellers about who they are, how they got started and learn about the stories that they are trying to tell. Because I see AMAZING, beautiful, heartbreaking stories as I scroll through Instagram everyday. And I want you to meet them.
I’m not exactly sure how I came across @Fostermoms account. I just know that one day, I saw this photo:
And I had to stop and go through their entire feed. I admit to being a fan girl. Not only because of the beautiful photos, but also because of the beautiful heartfelt words and stories that come with the photos.
So today, I am honored that they agreed to take the time and answer a few questions for my very first post in this series: Instagram Storytellers.
All photos in this post courtesy of @Fostermoms
Tell us about yourself!
We are a two-mom family in our late 30s. We combine the clinical with the creative and blog anonymously from the perspective of same-sex, transracial, foster-adopt parents as ‘Therapist mom’ and ‘Artist Mom’. She is a complex trauma therapist, social worker and professor. She also trains internationally at various agencies seeking to provide trauma informed practice in their day-to-day work. I bring the creative, curious-about-the-world, fun into our home. Previous to building websites, I was a social worker and art therapist. I co-founded a non-profit featuring a mobile art program for kids in congregate care. Art and creativity has always been my vehicle to something much bigger.
How did you get into photography?
I inherited my grandmother’s 35mm camera two decades ago and have very fond memories of pulling all-nighters in the darkroom, developing my own negatives and printing my own contact sheets and images. That’s where it all began for me and I was slow to embrace the digital.
Tell us about your Instagram journey….
I knew when we first got together that we would eventually raise a family in a loving home. While we knew our family would one day grow from foster care, we initially had plans to get pregnant. We didn’t have models for how to build a family, and so I think its natural to cling to some variation of the traditional route until an alternative possibility arises. Carrying a child was important to both of us and still is, but its no longer our Plan A.
It took us 2 years to be licensed as foster parents. Bureaucracies are slow to get moving and slow to react to change and slow to make things happen. When we were finally certified and began welcoming children into our home, we really believed we were a shoe-in for foster parents of the year given our rich history working with families in crisis. We’ve learned a lot and could not have anticipated the ways we would need to flex and breathe and evolve in order to maintain a semblance of balance and normalcy in our house as pop-up parents with 2 dogs and full-time careers. As a creative person I needed a creative outlet. As a couple, we needed an excuse to join together around something. We also needed to feel less isolated as new parents, gay parents, and foster parents. I whipped up a website & started taking anonymous photos & together we started captioning our every day life on Instagram.
What is the story you hope your Instagram tells?
What began as a need for creative outlet and anonymous storytelling became a call to build community & share knowledge. We were feeling pretty isolated & largely misunderstood by our family, and on a different path than most of our friends. Our Instagram journey has been a powerful, personal one.
We offer an intimate glimpse of nontraditional normal family life. The story we’re aiming to tell varies. Sometimes it’s about our experiences interfacing with the foster care system & the way those exchanges have shaped our boys & our family. Other times, we’re telling the story of our ordinary, day-to-day lives as white moms raising black sons. Almost always, we are a combination of real talk interlaced with hope and compassion. When people visit our feed, I hope they are struck by the composition of each image & then impacted by the words that complement that moment. We’re going for impact here & we’re looking to inspire – creatively & clinically. We’re also hopeful that by talking about foster care, other families will be inspired to start that journey as well.
What was one of the photos you took recently that was a favorite and why?
It’s funny, as we inch closer toward adoption day, I find myself drawn more to the pictures I took of our boys and our family from a year and a half ago or two years ago when “Tiny” was a newborn and “Mr. Toddler” was actually a toddler. I feel less drawn to the now and find myself reflecting on where we were then and the world of experience that’s contributed to our evolution now. That said, however, one of my recent favorite photos isn’t one that I took, but a snap my partner grabbed while we were on vacation. The kids and I are framed in the lower right corner, they’re adorable & carrying on like usual. We were blissfully/chaotically traversing the streets of one of our favorite beach towns & I’m covered in tattoos, carrying prepackaged, cold brew coffee in our Tula toddler carrier, all of us sun-kissed, full of greasy summer food and just happy. It really highlighted how normal we are but how unique we probably look. I used that photo in conjunction with a situation I wanted to microblog about on a day several weeks removed. It remains our most popular & engaged photo to date.
Who or what inspires you?
I’m always amazed at the people, parents, moms who manage to curate these stunning Instagram feeds, coupled with finding the time to blog and write about things that are important to them, which in turn have hugely positive impact on people & families.
It’s been a struggle to find inspiration in many places simply due to the speed of our lives these days. More and more, we are inspired by everyday heroes. The slightest interactions between people that are the smallest gestures with unanticipated, far-reaching impact. I’m inspired by your Birdseye view photos, I find them so beautiful and calming and simple. I’m inspired by @Nicole_Blades‘ tenacity as an author, her ongoing humor and drive to be a good woman and mom and friend and creative talent in the world. @Addyeb_art for her unapologetic sharing and open-face dialogue on women’s mental health & the creative process. Collectively we’re inspired by @KristenHowerton and the work that she does around transracial families, the dialogues she pushes forward. Georgia @GregariousPeach (formerly @DocumentingDelight) who just portrays the humility and beauty and sacredness of parenting through both beautiful and painful times while running a business. Were inspired by the creativity & love between Grace (@designsponge) & Julia (@turshen), both of whom have also recently published books and who are an adorable lesbian couple who send us good food & lots of love.
What is your favorite thing to photograph?
Our kids in those soft moments that should be celebrated. I also really love documenting the city. I’m firing up my own account to get creative where I can point, click, shoot, make, create etc. just to get it all out.
Black and white or color?
Me: Black and white
Her: Color
Favorite App to edit with?
Oh man. I use 3. Shoot & filter in VSCO. Edit in Snapseed. Get whacky with double exposure in Enlight.
What do you shoot with?
Mostly iPhone 6 – out of convenience. But when I manage to remember to charge the batteries and make room on my memory card – my canon T2i rebel. I could up my game here. 😉
Where Else Can we Find you?
Twitter: @2fostermoms
Facebook: @thefostermoms
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us guys! To see more of these guys and their beautiful family, make sure you follow them on Instagram at @fostermoms
I love this so much. It takes such a good person to open their home and heart to children not their own. These women sound amazing and I know their children will grow up to be just as amazing. ((HUGS))
These are beautiful images! I love people who foster children! This world needs more love in it and these photos tell their story of loving and giving.
I’m a fan. I absolutely love their imagery and storytelling. I really enjoyed reading more of their story. Great way to kick off this new series.
I love this family. I have been following them for about a year and it’s all so good. We also have a foster son of color and they challenge us to think and respond to the every day experiences we provide these kiddos. PS checkout @franklinavenue5, she’s my mentor and has an amazing journey story, too.
Such a beautiful interview, with such beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing this with us. SO much negative in the world, I love to see the positive.
I love their images and found them because of you. I love how they tell a story without showing the childrens face. The images make you want to be apart of their family. Great series. Can’t wait for the next one.
These pictures are truly incredible. I love when I hear stories about good foster parents. Those little ones have been through so much and it is nice to see that they have a safe loving home.
This was such an inspirational story! It is great to hear a happy story about a foster family!
These are beautiful pictures. I love Instagram accounts like this one that really tell a story! I will have to go check this one out. Great interview.
Beautiful story. Before marriage I always wanted to adopt. My husband, not so much. Now I consider fostering, but I haven’t taken the steps to become certified. I should do that.
Instagram is one of my fave social networks. The pictures there are incredible. It definitely forced me to improve my photography!
What beautiful captures, I really love this. Inspiring and heart warming!
It takes a special sort of person to be a foster parent. Beautiful people adding a bit of goodness to the world. What’s not to love. Thank you for sharing and the series is a beautiful idea.
This is beautiful. It takes us into your lives with your photos in such as sweet way.
Faith in humanity restored! Thank you for your love and kindness that you shared with these children. They will grow up with so much love that they carried in their hearts from yours. What a heartfelt interview. I got all teary eyed here. Blessings to you guys!
This is a wonderful interview! Happy to learn about this family and see their beautiful pictures. Now I am following them on Instagram too! Thank you for sharing their story!
I love everything about this couple! Beautiful loving family, beautiful photos – they make my heart melt! Thanks for sharing this inspiring interview!
I absolutely love this idea! @Fostermoms has some great photos! Following her now!
I am loving this feed and I followed! Thank you for sharing them
I don’t know that I could pick one favorite from my Instagram account, but I think the ones that I take of my dogs would be my favorites overall. That’s my life in a nutshell: taking care of the dogs!
What a gorgeous collection of pictures! Fostermoms has a great great eye and feed!
I really enjoyed reading this post. These two women have done an amazing job as foster moms. I have also contemplated on the thought of adopting, however, it did not come to fruition. I just help out and volunteer whenever I can to share love and attention to the children who need it the most.
This is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing such inspiration!
There photos are gorgeous. What they do is so touching!
I agree these images are beautiful. I love that they are able to document the growth of their family anonymously while still raising awareness to the issues that matter to them and so many others. I envision myself becoming a foster parent one day and stories like these inspire me so much. @Fostermoms just gained a new follower, thanks for sharing.
Awwww! What a great story. Their Instagram is AMAZING!!!
Very interesting story. Its always a blessing to hear when people are geuninely trying to make a happy home for children in the foster system. Every child needs love and care and it may not be traditional, but as long and its nurturing full of positive energy then its a great thing.
Dope photography, but the pictures tell such an incredible story. Be still my heart, I’m going to follow them.
These images are simply breathtaking! Their photog skill are no less than amazing.
oh wow, what beautiful images! I loved the story told through these pictures!
I love their photography! It’s so beautiful, and you’re right, the photos really do tell a story. Beautiful interview!
I love this! I think foster parents are amazing. they open their homes nad hearts to kids who may not stay with them forver but love them like they are their own while the children are in their care.
So beautiful and amazing! I definitely need to start following some of these beautiful families, it would make Instagram worth while for me.
OMG I love this so much!!! The photos and the moments captured are just beautiful.
Love this! ( & The toes in the sink!?)