Instagram Storytellers with @ Michelle.Huber

Check out this Instagram Storytellers series with @Michelle.Huber where she talks about what inspires her
The account of Michele Huber is one of those that I look forward to everyday simply because…it’s art. Everyday, I look forward to seeing how she turns the simplest things into some of the most beautiful photos of everyday life that I see in my Instagram feed. When asked what is the story you hope your Instagram tells? She answered:
“The ordinary everyday is magical. I truly believe that the everyday details are where our story lies”.
All photos in this post are curtesy of @michelle.huber
 michelle huber self portrait instagram.
Tell Us about yourself and your background
I am a wife and mom to two teenagers.  I work part time outside the home as a chemist. I’ve always loved “art” but I always chose the science and math classes in college.  Looking back, I wish I would have taken a pottery class or photography class.  After college, I started to experiment with different creative outlets.  First was painting, then sewing and quilting, card making, and most recently photography.  I also enjoy gardening and cooking.


michelle huber instagram


How did you first get into photography?

I was very slow to jump into the digital world. Only after my film camera broke and I was looking for a new camera, did I decide to get a Nikon point and shoot. I loved the convenience of digital. But with 2 active kids, the delay of the shutter became very frustrating. I had been looking at the Canon Rebel DSLR’s for several months but was scared to make the jump because of the price. Would I really spend that much on a camera!! Little did I know! Once I made the jump, it was love from the very beginning. I spent all of my free time reading articles and tutorials to learn as much as I could. And 5 years later, there is still so much to learn.



Tell me about your Instagram journey: how did you get started?

 Just like the digital camera, I was slow to get a smart phone. In June 2013, I got an iPhone 4s and immediately signed up for an IG account. 🙂 I posted here and there, finding a few people to follow. In 2015, I decided to make a commitment to a project 365 with the Bethadilly Challenge. I wanted to become a better photographer with my DSLR and more consistent with my editing in Lightroom. The project posed its own challenges; staying focused, finding creative ways to capture my days. I finished my year and made myself a keepsake phonebook through Blurb as a gift to myself. I’ve met so many amazing people on IG and I value the friendships I’ve made there.



What was on of your favorite photos that you took recently. Why?

I’m always drawn to my nature photographs…recently I went on a photowalk with my local IG’s in a neighboring town.  I found some “weeds” along the road and love the way the light was hitting them.

I also love my kitchen images, probably because I am in that room the most.  Images of my daughter or I preparing food or even washing dishes are the details I want to remember.



Who or what inspires you?
Nature is my go-to when I’m in a rut. A walk through the woods, listening to the birds and watching the way the sun filters through the trees with my camera in hand always makes my heart happy. I also love macro photography. It forces me to slow down, breathe and just be present while I’m photographing my subject.



Favorite App to edit with?
What do you shoot with?
Canon 6D and occasionally an iPhone 6



Tell us 3 of your favorite Instagram accounts.

I am inspired by @jennydiaznature’s nature photography. Her nature images are both simple and beautiful.

@zaidalucia.photographer‘s use of light and shadows. I love the way she photographs the everyday details of her days with her daughter.

I love the travel photography by @homemadeinchina. The details she captures of her days living in a far off land are absolutely stunning and her street photography is raw and honest.


Where else can we find you?
Thank you for sharing your Instagram Story with us Michelle! To follow see more of her beautiful work, follow Michelle at @michelle.huber on Instagram.


  1. Michele’s pictures are beautiful. I love being out in nature listening to birds, crickets, and leaves blowing in the wind. Her photos reminded to be still and absorb natures energy.

  2. Instagram has really changed the social media landscape. It’s amazing how photographs can really capture the essence of everyday life like nothing else. I love checking out new feeds and this one is amazing.

  3. I use my wifi from my canon and then add that vsco. I need to get better though with more images that fit my brand. Like doing something that represents whats on the blog for the day. Can’t wait to follow her

  4. An interesting interview. I am a self-taught photographer, too, and I enjoy it so much! It was very frustrating for a long time, then one day things just “clicked” (no pun intended) and I finally was able to go into full manual mode! Such a victory for me!

  5. I love learning about new people!!! Her photos are amazing, Instagram is one of my favorite social medias so much fun to see everyone’s pictures

  6. What an absolutely STUNNING blog post. Each photo is more beautiful than the other. I love how the simple moments that make each day unique and special were highlighted. Absolutely wonderful.

  7. Those pictures are so vivid. I’m in need of another camera, and like her, I don’t want to spend too much even though I love photography and know that it would ultimately be worth it.

  8. This is a great interview with Michele Huber. I too think that nature inspires me when you actually see what is truly in front of you and the beauty it brings. Thanks for sharing the interview.

  9. I like the spider web picture, normally i would not be interested in a spider web if i saw it with my own eyes, but photography gives it a new lens. never thought of meeting up with people I’ve met on instagram..

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