iPhoneography: My 5 Favorite Photography Apps

I love my iPhone. And i’m not ashamed that the only thing that keeps me  from jumping hip to the Galaxy is the camera and the apps.

I’m always been of the opinion that less is more when it comes to editing your photos, but  I still love my apps.

So today of course, I will share my 5 favorite apps for iphoneography!

  •  VSCOCAM. Without a doubt, my favorite editing app. I love the control I can get( see this post for details) when editing my photos with this app. And I like that it helps my iPhone photos look like the photos I take with my Canon 7D. Because i use a lot of VSCO presets( with tweaks) in Lightroom when I edit.??#vscocam
  • Snapseed. I like to use snapseed when I need to do more than just add a filter. This app is like Photoshop on your phone. You can edit just specific parts of a photo with this one. Like in the photo below, when I took the photo, I couldn’t get both the sky and the ferris wheel properly exposed. But with the help of snapseed’s selective adjust tool, I got the photo just how i saw it! ( Bonus: you can get this one on Android phones too!)

Saw this carnival on the way home. I'll be back... Camera in hand...

  • PicTapGo. It’s my favorite quick edit app. It’s simple to use and easy to adjust the various ‘filters” to get the photo you want. My favorite thing is that you can create recipes that you can save an apply to every photo. Thereby creating a cohesive look. AND it saves time.


  • Squareready. Most photos you take with your phone do NOT come in the square format that instagram uses to post photos.  (Even though with the new IOS update, you can now take your photos in square format.  But I don’t like all of my photos to be in square format. So I cheat. With square ready.  It’s easy to get your photo cropped and ready to post to instagram without sacrificing any part of your photo.


Family time....

And last but not least….

The ultimate sharing zone. I like to think of it as another social media site. It’s twitter with photos.
Everyone is on Instagram. Are you following me????


These are my favorite iphoneorgraphy apps. What are yours?


  1. Phoooeeyyy I am team droid and we have nothing I just don’t understand why you all always have to have the best apps……I feel some type of way

    1. You know I heard about pressgram and even had it downloaded on my phone to use! But I never opened it! Now you’ve got me wondering more about it!

  2. What great suggestions of photo editing apps! I was just thinking on the way to work today actually that I needed to work on my photo editing skills. I’m going to look into these apps for sure! I’m particularly excited about Squareready! I’m always trying to make my Instagram pictures fit so I KNOW I’ll be using this! Great post 🙂

    1. Join us! Lol but I’m going to do a post about photo apps for android soon. My husband has one. I’ll test out on his phone!

    1. Yes me too on the press gram app! I want to try a galaxy but the photographer in me will never ever be satisfied until I can get at least a few if my favorites on android!

  3. Ooh thank you for this! I have been wanting to find some good apps for Instagram. I’ve downloaded quite a few free ones that were a waste of time or didn’t do what I was looking for. I will have to try these, thanks 😉

  4. Thanks for sharing. I take the majority of my photos with my iPhone 5, but I can never seem to have the pics printed because the resolution is too low. Do you have any suggestions or tips for what I can do?

    1. Who are you printing with? Because that makes a big difference. Also the thing with using your phone is that you HAVE to have good light or it will be grainy. A quick cheat is the photoshop express app which will let you get rid of grain in your photos. But be careful, it can make people look like plastic folks! I suggest trying out persnickety prints for printing. They are cheap and do good quality iPhone photos!

  5. We’ve got some favorite apps in common, LaShawn! I absolutely ADORE PicTapGo and Instagram, and while I’ve got VSCO Cam on my phone, I hardly ever use it. After reading this post, I feel like I should re-check it out and try it some more!

  6. Have you ever tried Afterlight? It’s by far my most favorite photo app. The only one I use, in fact! Other than Instagram of course. Thanks for sharing the other ones, I’ll check them out!

  7. I really like A Beautiful Mess and of course, Instagram. I downloaded the VSCOCAM after reading your previous blog post but haven’t had much time to play with it. I must get around to it!!

  8. Although I no longer use the iPhone I want to look into some of these photo enhancing apps for my Android. I am always amazed with what great pictures some people take and all with their phone. I want to help my images look better and sharper.

  9. Great article, I use most of these apps too. Thanks for the list. I agree with your assessment and am glad you shook my memory on a few I forget about.

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