Is Social Media Taking Over??

Hey everyone! Where have YOU been?

Ha Ha. Yes, I’m the one who has been missing! But I’m back…for now.

Yep. I had to take a longer break than expected due to a little thing called marriage, and the need to work on that rather than worrying about blogging, photos, when I’m going to post…etc.( see yesterday’s post on that…)

Do you ever feel like social media gets in the way of real life?

I mean, I LOVE social media.  I think it’s cool. I’m made great friends on twitter, found new blogs to read through my blog, become obsessed with various boards about photography, blogging, etc.

But really, I was finding myself attached to my phone or my computer, always trying to catch up.

Not good.

I was always thinking stuff like: wow, that would make a great post.

Or wow, that would be a great photo to put on the blog.

Or wow, I’ve got to tweet that!

Too much.

By the time I detached myself from all forms of social media, I had missed real life, conversations, etc.

But I found that when I took my break from blogging, I got a lot of stuff done. My house got cleaned, I had a few meaningful conversations with my husband. I spent hours just playing with Pookah and a ball.  And not tweeting about it. Or trying to take a photo of it….to put it on instagram…or my blog.

Yeah. Social Media was taking over.

I wonder what would have happened if I had taken myself off of twitter too? And what about Instagram? Would I have had a total meltdown?

I think breaks are good. They remind me of what’s really important in life.  I love you guys dearly, but in the end, if I don’t have my family, nothing else really matters.

So I think that periodically, I will take more breaks from social media. I think I will actually take days off from tweeting and blogging and instagraming and pinning, and facebooking. Totally.  I’ll put down my phone and enjoy life. Especially this part of it…



How about you? Is social media taking over your life? And if not, how do you stop it from doing so?





  1. I took the weekend off too! I still put out short blog posts and sent the occasional tweet, but I hear what you’re saying about it getting in the way of real life. I think it’s good to take a step back once in a whole and just live life. It’s refreshing. Now excuse me while I go catch up! Happy Monday!

  2. I try not to post on the weekends at all but I don’t know if I can take a break from twitter. I tried and it did not last long. My phone is constantly in my hand it’s a shame. Glad you took a break and I hope it did some good for you.

  3. I definitely will not join Twitter – I see that as too all consuming and addicting. I usually blog during the work day and in the overnight hours when my insomnia kicks in. I try to stay in the moment with my family when I am with them. I make a conscious effort to turn my cell off and grab my iPad to handle my Words With Friends games. I have no desire to build a brand or increase my readers, so I don’t push it. If something should spark, I’d accept the blessing, but I’m not actively “working” at it.

    1. I’m really just going to try to go one whole day without twitter. Just to see if I can. Maybe Christmas…shame that I have to think about that huh?

  4. EVERYTHING in my life is more important than social media. I’d much rather just live life. The connections I’ve made, I can take with me off line. I’d much rather be out doing stuff, living life.

    You have it right, you know what’s more important. You’ll be alright and won’t let anything take over again.

  5. And I agree 100% with Mrs TDJ’s comment. That’s why I never joined facebook. I ewfuse to bandwagon another thing. Twitter isn’t so bad for me because I forget I have one sometimes lol

    1. I hardly ever post on Facebook! I put up pictures for family of Pookah, and occasional comment about something but that’s it! I’m making a Conciousness effort with twitter though!

  6. I love this post and it is so true! I was getting overwhelmed and had to step back and put things back into perspective. I love the connections I have made but social media can take over so easy! You have to find a balance.

  7. I don’t do as much online on the weekends…unless I’m working…my two cents….And I loosely observe the Sabbath..i.e.taking a break from work on Sunday if I can help it…

    1. I think I’m going to start blogging on a schedule and doing posts in advance. You are right, I need one day of rest! At least!

  8. I love this post! It is where I am at… sort of. I have had to reevaluate WHY I am blogging. I realized that it is for validation… I know, what a LOSER I must be. So what was my solution? More exposure (vlogging). But this time it is to *prove* to myself that I can be ME even with other people watching…

  9. Social media can take over, and its very easy to spread yourself thin. I wish I could blame social media for the laundry not being done sometimes, but nope, it’s all me. I know I’ll get to it tomorrow.

  10. Yes, I waste far too much time online trying to catch up, keep up, and get ahead. Because I’m “supposed to.” It’s getting tiring. It is amazing to unplug, and I’m vowing to do it more often this year.

    But then again, I found this post while wasting time on FB. Catch-22.

    Great post!

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