June Bucket List


Yes, that is a potty, but we’ll get to that later….

I love lists.

I love making them, checking things off of them, sharing them.

I got this idea from Kelle Hampton over at Enjoying the Small Things and Veronica over at Veronica Armstrong.com.

Veronica shared her summer wish list.  And Kelle just started making a weekly mini bucket list of things she wants to do that week.

I LOVE this idea.

Except, I’m so busy/exhausted from work sometimes, I don’t get to do EVEYTHING some weeks. And planning for the whole summer seems so broad.  But, I figured I could make one for the month!

Sooooo, without further ado, this is my Bucket List for June….

June Bucket List

  1. Finish A Dance with Dragons, the lastest book in the Game of Thrones series. I’ve been trying to finish it for months, but I keep getting distracted by Hunger Games and Mommy Porn…..
  2. Start training for the Black Girls Run Drive to End Hunger 5K/10K race.  I haven’t decided if I am going to stick with the 5K, or go for the 10K, but I WILL be running this one in September in my town. I WILL!!!! Especially since I’ve given up on running the Peachtree this year. I.Just.Can’t……..
  3. Start seriously potty training Pookah.  His new teacher, ( the one I didn’t like until we had a looooong talk) and I have a plan: out of pull ups by the end of summer. Yesssssss………
  4. Redesign my blog MYSELF. Why myself? I’m cheap and I’ve got a ton of other stuff to pay for this summer. I’ve been thinking about revamping My Life for a while now.  I was going to buy a whole new domain name with my REAL name and everything, but I like talking shit about family members, co workers and in laws without them reading it.  🙂 But it’s time for a change i.  And I’m going to attempt it myself….
  5. Finally FINALLY finish up a photography class I did as a study along for with Clickin Moms in January after I finish the current one I am taking with Brooke Snow.( LOVE HER!!!)  Yes. January……

That’s it.

A Busy month huh?

Gotta go, I’m off to play bubbles….

Project 52 Week 22


  1. Yes! Please run the Black Girls Run Race. I’ll be coming down from Baltimore with my BGR group to participate. You should do the 10k!!! Now I just have to figure out how I’m going to come up with the travel money. Oh well, that’s a task for future Raina.

  2. That is a pretty awesome list!! As a mommy who is now only buying pullups for naps and nights, it will be pretty amazing to be pull up free!!

    I love the idea of designing your blog Yourself! I’ll be looking forward to the finished product!

    I have fallen off my running so bad my running mojo packed up and moved to Vegas. I did start casually running again this week, so all is not lost!

    have a fabulous weekend. xo.

  3. I hope you complete your list. Potty training boys was a little harder for me my daughter was completely potty trained in 2 months. My son took a while but when they are done whew the money saved is priceless

  4. Best wishes with everything on your list, especially the potty training. That will change your life!

    Enjoy the bubbles. Stopping by from SITS.

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