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Letters to Our Sons: November

Dear Pookah

You are such a busy busy little boy.

Last week, you got your first black eye.

Yesterday I discovered that you can sound out words.

When on earth did you learn that?

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You will be four years old in 2 weeks.


Where did the time go?

You are already plotting your party, and have demanded cupcakes with the white icing.

And Jake and the Neverland Pirates as the theme.


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You are my joy. You are my light. You are my big Pookah bear baby.

I love you always…

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This post was a part of a blog circle, Letters to Our Sons that I participate in with a group of talented photographers who happen to be moms. Next up is…


Tuesday 19th of November 2013

I love these photos, they are so sweet. My boys will be four in less than four months, I can't believe it!

Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama

Friday 15th of November 2013

Love this!! tugged at all my heart strings. Such a beautiful baby boy!

K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy

Friday 15th of November 2013

What amazing pictures! Yay for Pookah sounding out words already.


Friday 15th of November 2013

it's almost our birthday, then you can move on to Christmas! lol

Life Breath Present

Friday 15th of November 2013

Loved these pictures. Your son looks delightful. In some ways I dread the days when our little one gets that big. Great of you to take pictures and write to your son every month :)