Letters To Our Children: January

letters to our children is a hybrid photography project/blog circle. Each mom, we get together and write letters to our children.

Join us every month for a blog circle full of moms, writing a wonderful letter to their children. In it we talk about our hopes our fears, our love….motherhood. After you read mine, make sure you scroll all the way down to the end of the page, to click on the link to the next letter.


Letters to our children is a hybrid photography project/blog post


Dear Pookah,

This week, you caught the flu.

We never did get that flu shot.

Of course, the mommy guilt consumed me….but it was never the right time or you had a cold or something was happening, and it was one of those many little important things that just didn’t get done.

When I picked you up from school, your head was hurting. And by the time I got you home and confirmed the fever, I knew what I was dealing with.

You slept in my office while I worked, and finally on the couch being watched over by your Grandma.

I knew you were really sick  because you willingly took a nap.

I hate to see my baby sick.

When your fever finally broke for good, the struggle became to keep you entertained so you could recover as fast as you could.

That meant entertainment.

That mean games of UNO,

Battles with Teenage Mutant  Ninja Turtles and Phineas and Ferb marathons.

But through it all,

there was that smile.

I’m so glad you are feeling better.




Now, head on over to MJ’s Blog  and read her Letter!


  1. I don’t know what it is about the flu shot…I just don’t like it. Sometimes I get it out of motherly obligation, and sometimes not. Glad to see your little one has mended. He has such a wonderful smile! (And I love those shadows!)

  2. I’m glad that Pookah is feeling better. I know how rough it can be when your kid gets really sick. Somebody over here catches the flu every year, but some how so far we’ve managed to coast through flu season without any of us getting it. I’m trying not to get too excited about that so that I don’t end up jinxing myself.

  3. I’m so glad he is feeling better. I don’t like the flu shot so I don’t do it so I don’t know if it works or not.

    That smile, that dimple awww. melt my heart

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