Letters to Our Sons: May

Dear Pookah,


It is amazing to me that next Friday, you will graduate from Pre-K. Your first graduation.

I’m just stunned that already,we’ve reached a milestone.

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I”M NOT READY! And I’m so sure that I’ll cry!

But oh how you’ve grown in the last year. When I thought they were pushing you too hard, you were learning and soaking it all up.  When I thought you were falling behind, you were just going at your own pace.  I’m amazed and how much you’ve matured in one school year.

Most of the time….

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But you are still my Pookah bear baby, even though in a few short months, you will be entering Kindergarten.

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But right here, right now, Mommy is so proud of you.

Love you.



This post was a part of my Letters to Our Sons Photography Blog Circle where each month, we write letters to our sons. Follow the circle around to Lisa J Deering of Lisa J Photography in Las Vegas 


  1. *sniffles* I am so sad mines will be graduating from Prek on Thursday and I will cry. They will always be our babies though no matter how old they get

  2. I’M NOT READY!! Chunks moves up this summer and it’s crazy to me. His school is WACK and doesn’t have a graduation ceremony 🙁 but at least it spares me all the waterworks.

  3. I’m about to completely embarrass Goose at the ceremony tomorrow. Tomorrow! Wut? How are our “babies” going to Kindergarten. I just can’t with this.

    And the amount of change from the start of Pre-K to the end is crazy. When I look at his handwriting before and now? His artwork? My baby!

  4. Oh wow! It flew by didn’t it! Happy belated graduation day to Pookah =) One of these days I’d love for all my blogger buddies with little ones around the same age to meet up for one grand play date. Nia’s still obsessed with your posts about Pookah in Disneyworld (or Bizney as she calls it!).

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