Modeling Responsible Behavior for Our Kids this Summer

This year, I have had the pleasure of being a ambassador. I was compensated to write this post, but all opinions of course, are my own

Summertime officially starts next week and I am SO ready! With the vaccine being rolled out and so many of our friends and family vaccinated, we are ready for trips to the pool, brunches, family gatherings and backyard barbecues and cocktail hours in the garden for friends!

Just in time, I am partnering with I to talk about responsible alcohol consumption and open conversations between parents and their kids about alcohol.

How to Talk to Your Kids this Summer About Alcohol

Summer time is a great time to take the time for these types of conversations with our kids. According to, ” talking with your kids about alcohol early and often is the best way to keep them safe.”

Did you know that 36% of kids identified their parents as the #1 influence on their decision to drink or not to drink
alcohol? I was SHOCKED that peers and social media rank as the second( 22%) and third( 8%) most influential.

So how do we talk to our kids about alcohol and make good on that influence? has conversation starters on their site here.

5 Tips to Drink Responsibly This Summer: For Adults

So back to summer cocktail drinking with friends!

One of the reasons I am so excited this summer is that everything is opening back up!!! I plan on having lots of backyard gatherings, but I want to make sure my guests and I are drinking responsibly and that I am modeling great behavior for Pookah.

So, here are 5 tips to help us all be responsible this summer. Even if you DON’T have kids!

1. Measure your beverage and cocktail ingredients

2. Have water and non-alcoholic drink options available

3. Offer food to your guests and make sure you also eat or nibble as you host.

4. Be sure your guests have safe rides home.

5. Talk to your kids about alcohol and practice ways to say NO to underage drinking

To learn more about responsible alcohol consumption and tips that we all can use, check out this link on

Friends, I am going to leave you with a cocktail recipe!

Tapatio Girafa Recipe

During our last virtual summit, we got to mix drinks and I loved loved loved this cocktail I am about to share! It’s called Tapatio Girafa.

Tequilla happens to be one of my favorites so I was excited to make this!

Here is the recipe!

1 packet tajin
¼ oz agave syrup
½ oz lemon juice
1-1/2 oz tequila
2 oz ginger beer

It’s so satisfying in the end to shake and pour!

While using all the appropriate measurements lol.

If you try this let me know!

Let’s have fun and drink responsibly this summer friends!

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