One Big Mess……..
Being a Mom is messy. I knew that when I got into this. Kinda.
But my messiest moment as a mom came in a Walmart parking lot when Pookah was about 8 months old…..
It was one of those wonderful summer days and I had finally gotten enough confidence to take Pookah out and about for extended periods of time. He was 8 months.
Pookah behaved WONDERFULLY that day! I was so proud. But I could tell he was beginning to get a little fussy. But I calmly reassured him as we drove towards Wally World that it would be our last stop.
I didn’t hear from him for the next 20 minutes or so, and I guess that should have been my first clue. When your child suddenly goes silent and then starts babbling again, be suspicious people. Be VERY suspicious.
When I opened the car door to get Pookah out of his car seat, at first my mind didn’t quite register what it was seeing.
My child was playing in Poop.
Now, if you’ve had a breastfed baby, you know those poops are runny and almost odorless.
Which first, explains why I didn’t smell it.
And second: why what happened happened.
My Child was playing in Poop. It was EVERYWHERE. In his hair, in his ears, up his back, down his legs, dripping from the edge of his sock clad foot.
I tried to pick him up thinking, maybe I could just clean him up quick and still do my shopping. ( I hear you laughing, but I was in shock. All rational thought had gone out the window).
Ummm no.
Quickly, I shoved him back in the seat and raced home.
Gingerly, I removed the wiggling 16 pounds that was my baby and carried him with my hands under his arms trying in vain to not to get poop on me. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and saw poop on my face, on my hands and on my clothes.
Wait, was that poop on my MOUTH???? Of course it was, Pookah had just grabbed my lip.
When I reached the bathroom, I stripped us both and just got in the shower.
Pookah thought it was fun.
The clothes went in the trash.
And so did the car seat.
I wasn’t even going to ATTEMPT to get poop out of all of those cracks and crevices.
Luckily, my husband had a cool head and reminded me how much that car seat cost us. HE cleaned it out….with bleach…….while laughing madly.
Of course. Everyone else who I told this story to laughed hilariously too. They thought it was cute.
Me? I was incredulous that all of that had come out of my precious boy!
But poop is never cute. Especially when you have to clean it up!
I received information about Clorox’s Bleach It Away campaign and am sharing my messy moment for the chance to win prizes from The SITS Girls. To learn more about the messy moment program, check out Sharing your story on the Clorox fan page gets you entered for the chance to win $25,000 and daily prizes, and you can grab a coupon for Clorox® Regular Bleach.
The more baby stories you share about your adventures with Pookah, the more frightened I become for my own future.
I have bathroom issues. This so does not bode well.
Thanks for sharing! I love your blog!
Thank you! And don’t worry, you’ll be ok! We all are eventually!
I too hate cleaning up poop especially when the baby is suffering from diarrehea like she has been for the past few days. Luckily such “episodes” will be lesser as they grow up.
Ewwwwwwwww. I never had an episode like that but I have had episodes of poop in the car. The boy never had an episode that I can remember but this girl has had a few in car messes.
yea I wouldn’t have been laughing either. Actually while I read this I didn’t even crack a smile. I feel so sad for you! lol. Good thing it’s in the past. I would have been horrified has this happened to me. I can’t even imagine!
I was SOOO horrifed. Especially since everyone else thought it was so damn funny!
Ugggghhh the things that come out of such cuteness!! Thank God those days are over lol
I know right?
Uhh….so gross…maybe one reason why I’m not a mother yet…poop…
Gross! I hope you win! (you deserve it) 🙂