One From the Cutting Room Floor

I take a lot of photos. Random photos. Photos for no reason. And half of them never see the light of day. I was going through my Lightroom Catelog and found this one from last weekend I believe.


Do you have photos just sitting around on your hard drive?

Have a great weekend!


  1. I’ve taken thousands of photos this year, most of them unculled – I had such plans! – as I slowly go back and cull the blurs, blinks, and other oddities, I should really start a section of my blog for those memorable and not-so-memorable moments!

  2. I love the angle of this photo…shows your baby boy in his element! I wish I had more photos of me and my love, but I’m working on that, lol! I’m still playing with the VSCOcam app on my iphone. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Tons on the cuttin room floor so to speak…namely: crowdin up my phone, dropbox, cloud, g+, hard drive, external hard drive…john’s phone…john’s hard drive… errywhere. #neverdeleting

  4. Tons of photos, but none that I want to share. Odd, I take pictures of the family, but not really interested in uploading them online. It’s always hard trying to find other subjects. Oh how I miss Linus..

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