Project 52: Week 24: My Date

Project 52

You know, it always amazes me when I look at some photos of him, how much he has grown. How much he has matured. I mean, even a year ago, I would have been leery of taking him out to eat in a restaurant. Because he couldn’t sit still for long, his attention span was short, and frankly, there was never anything on the menus that he COULD eat, let alone WOULD eat. It’s amazing how in just a year, not only has the world changed in terms of more gluten free options in restaurants, but how WE have changed.

I’m no longer too worried about going out to eat( I take that back, not worried as MUCH as I used to be). I have a list inside of my head of all the restaurants that have gluten free options and what he can eat in the ones that don’t. Pookah, while still not too adventurous in his eating habits, is starting to be open to trying “at least one bite” of something new and can sit still and have good manners for a restaurant meal.  And me. I’m not so worried anymore if he will eat, what he will eat and if something will have unsuspecting wheat in it.  The world has finally gotten on board, and lots of restaurants in Atlanta have gluten free options now that actually taste good.   While life is not easy and it’s not perfect, we have options. He and I can enjoy a simple brunch date at a cool new spot.

I’m glad I had my camera with me to capture this simple everyday moment for this week’s Project 52 photo. Because years from now, I’ll want to remember when going out to eat started to be normal.


  1. And this is why I love blogging…in few years you will scroll through your pages and relive these moments again a and again…even the little ones

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