Randoms on a Thursday….


Let’s have another day of randoms.

Because I’m sick and I need to post and I can’t put together a whole post about one thing today. So here goes:

  • The thing that may or may not have been ringworm is back on Pookah’s head. Strange. It seems to appear each time he gets a head wound. Coincidence? I think not…..
  • I have a cold. And my job has threatened to fire me if I don’t get a flu shot by December 14th.  They make it a requirement for work. Now, in past years, my protest has been to wait until the last possible minute to get the damn thing. I’ve got 2 weeks for this cold to go away…
  • We got stressed out unnecessarily from an underwriter at my Realtor’s favorite lender. She was making us jump through 50 million xtra hoops to get a little bit of change. Bump that. Our current lender saved the day, solving our issues and offering a bit more.  Why do I doubt?
  • But we are still waiting for any word. Accept? Counter offer? The Realtor thinks they will counter offer. I hate buying a house.
  • Scandal comes on tonight.
  • My mother in law will be here in 4 days and my house is no where near ready.
  • Pookah turns 3 in 12 days. *cries*
  • I miss my camera.  I want my baby back! I’m resisting the urge to finance a Canon 5D Mark III .  Because all I really need is Canon 7D.
  • But then I remember we are buying a house and we need the down payment more than I need a camera.
  • I hate being a grown up
  • I jumped CDub several times this week….in my mind….my body was too sick to follow through.
  • Thanksgiving is in ONE week.  Are you ready?



  1. You can go to qvc and pay monthly and get a camera I don’t know if they have the one you like. I was browsing on there the other day and loved the monthly payments I may try them out to buy something for myself soon. House buying sucks and I don’t like the process at all if we buy another house it will be the last one cause I am not moving anymore. Packing is just as worse…….

    1. Girl I know all about QVC! And they do have the camera I want. I even have it pulled up and in my cart. 5 easy payments……

  2. Girrrrrrl do not finance a camera. That’s insane. You have too much on your plate to think about that. Stay healthy and if your mother in law is so worried about the condition of your house tell her to WORK! I understand missing your camera though. Hang in there you’ll have a new toy soon too 😀

  3. Waiting for the counter offer on a house….it’s enough to probably keep that cold hanging on because of stress. If you are gonna finance, QVC would be best because you can pay it off soon, but the house is probably gonna take all your extra finances. I’m ready for Scandal tonight, always… I am not ready for Thanksgiving, gonna do a small version this year, too much food wasted. Don’t worry about the house.

  4. Hope you feel better soon! I’m ready for Thanksgiving because I don’t have to cook! Your camera is coming. Resist that urge! I know it’s a strong one. Also, your job sounds absolutely crazy. How can they require a flu shot? It’s always been highly recommended but not a requirement for me.

    1. My job is crazy. It’s a well known system here. They cut ally had the nerve to send out a survey the other day about the job. I let them have it.

  5. At least you are moving forward in your house process. We are standing still. Wheels are moving in the background but I don’t feel it so there!

    I have been so tempted to hit up QVC and their 5 easy pays for my new camera. I want video capability so bad. I want to do more videos.

  6. LOL I am so mad at yall for this QVC back and forth.

    I can’t lie…I put my mixer on 5 easy, and it was just that…easy! 🙂

    And uh, start drankin that vitamin c!!

  7. lol. I love this! I missed it…what happened to your old camera? I need to read through your older posts to figure that out. But, yeah. being an adult is hard. Responsibilities, setting financial goals are hard, but, in the end, it’ll be worth it. When you get your beautiful house, you’ll have a wonderful space to take pictures when you eventually do get your upgrade camera. lol. I’m trying to be optimistic…Is it working?? lol.

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