Saturdays( an iPhoneography Project) The Disney Edition
GUYS!!! We had the most AMAZING time at Disney. AMAZING! So much so that we are already plotting our return and/or a Disney Cruise. Pookah had the time of his life and he was so excited and happy the entire time we were there. It made me so happy to see him so happy and I just KNEW we made the right decision! I loved everything about our trip from where we stayed, how we got there, how we got around, the dining plan…just everything. I’ll have a few tips that I want to share about Disney that I am going to share with you in the coming weeks. I have LOTS TO SHARE on taking photos at Disney, eating at Disney, tips for Disney, eating gluten free for Disney…LOL my list can go on and on!
NOW. On to the photos……
I took over 1223 iPhone photos at Disney.
And 931 with my Canon.
Just let that marinate.
ANYWAY. I managed to cull out Saturday, when we went to Hollywood Studios. I had never been to Hollywood Studios and while I didn’t think there was a ton to do for Pookah’s age, he got to meet all his favorite Disney Jr Characters and that’s what matters. It’s a really cool place and they have a Starbucks( more on that later). And we had lunch at Hollywood and Vine. It was fun for Pookah…the food…was…OK….except for that DIVINE Lobster Mac and Cheese. LOL.
Anyway, WARNING! This post is photo heavy! So here is our Saturday in iPhone photos at Disney and Hollywood Studios! Enjoy!
I’m glad you all had a great time! I’m trying to get Mr. M to go back to Disney and all he thinks about is the huge crowds because we went on New Years Eve which is one of the busiest days of the year. He’s like, I don’t want to go back. Well, looks like I’ll be forcing him to.
Awwww it looks exhausting but fun. Can’t wait to see more pictures!
I need more! More I tell you! More! I am so glad you guys had a great time especially Pooka. Disney can keep that cruise because this girl doesn’t do any form of a boat but Disney World is my jam and I can’t wait to take my babies.
OMG Ya’ll had SO MUCH FUN!!!! I could keep scrolling through these all day. For reals. I can’t wait to see more. We leave tomorrow night for our Disney Cruise! SQUEEEEEE!
It looks like you guys had an awesome time! I love Disney… even as an adult. I’m taking my mom to Disneyland Tokyo on Monday and I’m so excited!!!
Wonderful job as always!!! I love what you did and I hope they trip was truly memorable!!
Wow you were very busy at Disney…looks like you had a great time!