Saturdays ( an iPhoneography Project) Week 35
It was Halloween.
The pumpkins didn’t get carved.
But we went to a harvest festival and the boy got to wear his costume.
I often wished we lived in one of those great neighborhoods where everyone gets together and has a neighborhood party or where I felt comfortable and or safe taking him door to door.
And it pains me that by the time we do, He’ll be too old to care.
Anyway, this is our Saturday. Enjoy.
I’m glad your baby got to enjoy his costume. I wish our neighborhood would come together and have a party. We went to our cousin’s neighborhood which was cool.
I want to stroll through Target, sipping from my red cup on a Saturday… Child free. One can dream. LOL
it will happen!!!! Remember, my child is almost 6. This just started this year LOL
At least you got him a costume…I didn’t even do that. Wait he gets his hair cut at home….I wish this man knew how to cut save me some money.