Shot on iPhone this Week

I take a lot of photos. On my Canon 6D, on my new toy( we will discuss that later..) and on my iPhone. I love sharing what I shot on iPhone because it just furthers my claim that a camera is a camera. This week, I’m doing a challenge of shooting a photo in Black and white and posting it with no explanation. A hard one for me ( the no explanation part) but I’m trying. LOL

If you search the hashtag #shotoniphone on Instagram, it’s so eye opening what people can do with their iPhones!  Challenge yourself to take out your iPhone or ( whatever else you use) and take photos. Document!


shot on the iPhone

shot on iPhone

shot on iPhone

shot on iPhone

shot on iphone

shot on iphone

shot on iPhone 7 plus

shot on iPhone

shot on iPhone 7 plus

shot on iPhone 7 plus

shot on iPhone 7 plus

shot on iPhone 7


  1. These are great! I mostly use my iPhone for photos these days. Miss using my Nikon regularly but love using my phone. Hubby surprised me with the new iPhone 8 Plus a few weeks ago and I’m in heaven. I previously had the 6 so a big jump for me. 🙂

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