So Pookah Doesn’t Like Roller Coasters…and other adventures.

Thank you to Six Flags Over Georgia for inviting us to the park for the day! All opinions expressed in this post are my own. 

Last week, we were invited to go to Six Flag over Georgia to check out the new Twisted Cyclone Roller Coaster

When I told the guys, both were excited. CDub loves roller coasters and Pookah just wanted to go to Six Flags and I was anxious to cross the first thing off of our bucket list.


Six Flags over georgia, bucket list


We got there before the park opened and were one of the first guests of the day to ride on the new roller coaster, the Twisted Cyclone.



Cdub and I loved it. Pookah….not so much…in fact, he declared he was done with rollercoasters forever and refused to get on another for the rest of the day LOL! We pleaded and begged but he refused! LOL .The end.


Luckily there is plenty of other things to do at the park!

But I’m going to be honest, Pookah is a water baby, so the main thing he was interested in was Hurricane Harbor!  And I could see why! It was the perfect hot summer day for it too! We ended up spending the majority of our day in that part of the park, and we loved it.


We had so much fun! Pookah would have spent ALL DAY AND NIGHT at Hurricane Harbor, but unfortunately, we did have to go home LOL. But we enjoyed ourselves, and hopefully, we can get Pookah to go back and try another roller coaster.

Check out this video of us enjoying the park and Pookah’s thoughts on roller coasters! Can’t wait to check the next thing off of our bucket list!


Have You been to Six Flags this year?

Photos and video in this post taken with my Canon M50 and my iPhone 7Plus.

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