Starts With the Letter A
Hey guys! It’s time for a new challenge for our #mylifesphotos challenge! Did you have fun last week shooting from above? I did!
This week, we our new challenge is…starts with the letter A. You can have all sorts of fun with this. You can go with the obvious…
Or you can go for the abstract…
A is for the wide Aperture I had to use to get this photo exposed correctly( It was f/1.4)
Or A is for the Alphabet Pookah is practicing writing right here….
So throughout the week, think of the letter A and snap a photo! Don’t forget to share it on social media and tag it with #mylifesphotos! And don’t forget to check out our Pinterest board for ideas and to see what everyone else is doing throughout the week!
I was gonna do aperture too lmbo but in a diffeerent way like actually show the word
Sweet challenge I will join up and link it with my tumblr blog…as soon as I straighten things out