The Beach.

As I begin to talk to you about our vacation that I hashtagged: #pookahsvacationadventure, I must say that this vacation would not have even been on my radar if it hadn’t been for the generosity of my bloggy friend @brainypintsizer.  Through her generosity we were able to basically make Pookah’s dreams come true. And I’ve thanked her over and over again. And I will continue to do so. (SMILE)

Anyhoo, we arrived late Monday night to our fabulous resort in Orlando and crashed into our comfortable beds.  The next morning, we woke up and leisurely had breakfast before deciding to head to Daytona Beach for the day. An hour away.

Before I left for vacation, I debated and debated on whether or not to take my **Canon 7D with me to the beach.  The photographer in me couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t want to take my best camera to get the best photos possible of my baby boy on the beach.  But the Mother in me wanted to enjoy the beach like everyone the water without worrying about getting my camera wet and getting sand in all the cracks and crevices.

I had an epiphany while looking through the forums at Clickin Moms.  There was a whole thread on underwater cameras. I was initally concerned with the quality of the photos that would come out of the camera. Because yes, I am a snob now.  LOL.  But then, I reminded myself that I am a photographer dammit! And like I always say, the best camera is the one you have with you, and it’s not the equipment( although it helps) it’s the photographer.  So after my little pep talk to myself, I clicked the buy button on this :** Canon PowerShot D20.  It is waterproof, shockproof and 12.1 megapixels.  The lens is 28mm( perfect for beach photography) with zoom and image stabilizer.  Yesssss. Perrrrfect!

Best.Decision.Ever.  It was light, compact, and it went IN the OCEAN with me.  I was able to get in the water, in the sand, in the WAVES and take photos.  And I was able to be in the moment with my baby and CDub.  It was the best time ever!  The camera came with a little wrist hook that secured my camera to me even when I went out deep in the water and the waves knocked me over.  I saw other Moms hovering on the edge of the water trying to capture photos of their family. Moms with Mark 3s and D700s and iPhones…. and me, in the water, getting soaked with camera in hand.

These are the photos I took with the Canon D20.  I uploaded them to **Lightroom
and since the camera shoots only in jpeg, the only editing I did was to reduce the contrast and add sharpening and sizing for web.  That was AWESOME!  I was dreading the editing, but this camera made it so easy, because I barely had to do ANYTHING!  If you are looking for a camera to take to the beach and underwater, look no further!













* I was not paid to do this review. I just loved this camera so much that I had to share!*
**This post contains affiliate links. Click on it hmmmmmm????




  1. Nice photos! I am going on vacation with my family and you make me want a waterproof camera…darn amazon prime! I want something and it’s there the next day 🙂

  2. Love it! I’ve taken my Rebel to the beach and been one of those moms hovering at the water’s edge. I have a PowerShot, but it’s ancient and not waterproof. That camera is a great alternative and it’s cute.

  3. Wow, that camera is amazing! (I’m still trying to figure out how to use the little point-and-click Canon I purchased about a year ago…smh) Pookah and CDub look like they were really enjoying themselves — especially Pookah. He’s too cute. Even if he doesn’t remember this, you’ll have wonderful photos as proof. 🙂

    I didn’t realize Daytona was so far away, but now that I think about it, yep, that makes sense, considering the House of Mouse is inland. So happy for the three of you. Thanks for sharing, and I’m glad I could help you get away from work and that Atlanta life!

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