
1.  Pookah didn’t poop.  I gave him another suppository on day 6 1/2 due to a tight stomach and increased irritability.  He had a monster poop followed by another the next morning.  Now we have lots and lots of gas.

2.  I finally figured out that my child is teething.  Yep. Teething.  I got him some of those teething tablets.  Put three in and he passed out.  For THREE hours.  C-Dub gave him some more that night and he slept SEVEN hours.  I forgot to give it to him last night and he slept at most THREE hours in a row.  Yeah. We see a pattern here………

3.  I started some solid foods.  He hated peas.  Tolerated apples slightly this morning.  Will be starting oatmeal this week.  Rice cereal is banned.

4.  Pookah has a dr’s appointment this week.  I have LOTS of questions.

5.  My birthday is Wednesday.  34 years old……yep…….

6.  C-Dub is……on my list.   No beneath it.  We had a talk today about me needing a little more help.  Why do these talks always turn into one upmanship?

7.  So I’ve come to the conclusion that Pookah must go to daycare…….soon…….but how can I afford it?

So, that is life right now.

He’s asleep after some more teething tablets and some Mylicon.  We’re going to the park when he wakes up.  C-Dub will barbeque because, hell, I don’t feel like cooking and it’s beautiful outside.

I leave you with the Pookah trying the apples. and a glimpse of C-Dub……


  1. Wow, teething! I’m glad you’ve found a way to give him some relief! And Booooooo to C-Dub for not being more helpful. Not that my husband is very helpful without a talking to….it’s a sad thing these husbands of ours!

  2. Poor poopless Pookah! 🙁
    I’m glad the teething tabs are helping.

  3. Good to know!! Also, from what I can tell, your C-Dub is one handsome man. Which is, I’m sure, how the Pookah got some of his cuteness! (The rest he got from Mommy!)

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