Weekend Randoms.
I don’t really have all my thoughts together, but here we go…..
- I have a confession, I really don’t like to run. Especially in the beginning. It’s always painful for me to get back in my groove. My knees hurt for a few weeks, I dread the start of every run and I live for Motrin and ice packs. BUT on Friday, when I started my run I found myself smiling….I loved that I was running. Not complaining in my head, not counting down the minutes until I could walk again, just smiling and running….
- That could have something to do with the new VERY ratchet playlist I just started running too. VERY ratchet. I’ll post it one day soon
- People are always surprised when I say I do my own locs. Why? It’s really not that complicated. And much cheaper than paying someone every 6 weeks. But I do go occasionally. But still. Maybe I should do a tutorial post on maintaining locs?
- Do you every feel like your to do list is a mile long and you don’t know where to start? That’s me right now. I need to prioritize, SERIOUSLY.
- There is so much I want to do with my blog, and I don’t have the time to really do all of it unless I stay awake 24/7. I want to GROOWWW! But I can’t take care of me, CDub, Pookah, work full time, clean, cook, grocery shop, pay bills, take photos, exercise AND give 100% to this blog. That makes me really really sad. And I don’t know what to do about it.
- We are getting ready to buy a new house. For some reason, CDub is insisting on doing this by the end of the year. Soooo, if we succeed, I will be packing/moving/unpacking during the holidays. SMDH.
- Speaking of CDub, that man is still loosing weight. And the only exercise he does is walk the damn golf course a couple of times a week. And cut back on his carbs. SMH. Men have it so easy…
- We went to the park on Saturday. C-Dub and I were shaking our heads at the amount of overweight children there are. We saw an overweight 6-8 year old with daisy dukes, a shirt tied under “breasts” and a fat midriff in live view. No one seemed to think anything was wrong with this…..
- I hate temper tantrums of almost 3 year olds…….
- And speaking of 3 year olds, why is said 3 year old’s school hand a us fundraising packet?? Selling candy at 3??? He doesn’t even EAT candy!
- I think that’s it.
What’s going on is your life?
Running….no comment
Moving I want to move too *sigh* we are going to wait until I get some income coming in then buy our dream home
Blogging is a full time job within itself do what you can when you can blogging will be around …..for a while at least.
Kita lol!
Tony looses weight like that…makes me sick. lol
I feel the same way about running. I just hate it so much. Especially the beginning. But I love that accomplished feeling at the end when I realize that I haven’t dropped down dead. Please post that rachet playlist!
I feel you on wanting to do the blog growing thing. I want mine to grow too, but there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Modern science should have a way for us to function properly without sleep by now. It’s 2012! Be useful, Science!
I have that same dilemma with my blog. Is there anyone you trust who could help out with all that you want to get accomplished?
My husband keeps his weight down too being a letter carrier, and eats more than everyone in the house. Girl, packing & moving…remember my pain? My exercise is walking and it kills my knees, but I’ve got to do it. Don’t get me started with fundraisers, but that is early.
Those damn fundraisers. We are selling cookie dough over here, and the Mr. has the nerve to be acting funny about asking his co workers when we’ve bought everything from Girl Scout cookies to almonds. Sigh.
I still haven’t gotten off my arse and ran a bit. I promise this week. I suppose if I go ahead and pay my money that will be the motivation I need. I just have a hard time finding time. He works alot and I be damned if I push that jogger so that’s that.
We are in the same boat with this house business. I’m sure it will get real interesting for both of us.
I have the same love/hate relationship with running, my biggest issue is that my legs rub and get highly irritated. How do you keep that from happening, I seriously have a fit once it starts happening. So I would rather walk then run…
I started on the path to running before Zee was a thought, and I think that path is still a glimmer for me down the line. As for the locs, yup, I like doing them myself. I’ll admit that I always didn’t because it’s hard taking care of a newborn and trying to loc your hair at the same time, but over time I’ve really been enjoying it. So many things to try without spending hours and money at the salon. Although, I do miss going to the salon sometimes.
Do we go to the same park??? Sounds exactly as the one in our neighborhood. I definitely think it’s a form of child abuse when you let your child become overweight. . . And congrats on the beginnings of getting a house! I know it can be a pain to move in the midst of the holidays (we were packing last Christmas), but there are definitely deals to be had during that time.
My son’s school us selling baked goods. Yeah, wrf?