Weekends are Marvelous

You know, the one thing I am enjoying since I officially quit the hospital, is the freedom that my weekends bring.

The choice to do nothing one day because I know I have another left.

The choice to run around all day with Pookah on a Saturday and go to church and brunch on Sunday.

For so long, I gave up the freedom and the rest that should be the weekends when you work Monday through Friday. Just for going back to a place that I made such an effort to get away from.  A place that stressed me, didn’t care about me, and was only concerned about me as a number, not as a human who needed food and water.

I don’t need that in my life anymore.

I enjoyed my weekend.

Fall is here.  The days are chilly and bright. The nights are turning cold and it’s time to break out the warm footies, cocoa, and turn on the heat.

We carved a pumpkin this weekend..

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Pookah enjoyed it.

I saw/met a dear dear Bloggy Friend, Mrs TDJ.

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She came in town with her son to visit. He is SUCH a sweetie!!!.

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And we( me, Babs, Keyalus and  K Rock) just couldn’t let her go without having brunch and talking like we were old friends.

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( NOT diet approved food!!!)


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( yes I did!!!!)

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After that wonderful lunch, I headed home for a great fall evening with Pookah and Cdub.

The fall evenings are cool with warm light…

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And are wonderful to ride bikes in.

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And to play….

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Family time…is important.

As the weekend comes to an end and I start to think about my work week again, I am happy.  Yes, my house didn’t get cleaned as I would have liked. ( and MAYBE I had a little breakdown about that at the end of the day but that’s for another post). And yes, the clothes didn’t get folded and put away.  And my child may or may not have had only one serving of vegetables this weekend.

But you know what? If THAT’S all I have to complain about right now, life is really really good.

Because I have choices. I have a LIFE. I have friends, I have family. I’ve got a precious kid who loves his Mama and a husband who told me in the middle of an argument on Saturday that I’m sexy. ( wink wink)

Yes, weekends are marvelous.

I think I’ll keep them.



  1. Sounds like an awesome weekend.

    Having access to a good brunch is everything. I miss brunches and time with friends.

    Pookah is really growing…

    PS. I certainly wish Pookah had a little sister; you and CDub need to get on it.

    1. girl, I am ALL ABOUT THE BRUNCHES! I swear, i spend half of my week looking for a good brunch place! I love finding new one and this one had gluten free items on the menu, so I’ll be sure to bring Pookah back!

  2. Definitly sounds like a great weekend. I’m glad you left the place that only sees you as a number. Sadly I think that is the case at most jobs.

    Also your hubbs saying your sexy during an argument sound like a great weekend all by itself 🙂

  3. I am so happy for you. It’s been a long journey from the crazy nights at the hospital to the new job to finally feeling free. Yep, I’m happy for you girl.

    By the way, how cool that all you ladies got together. There’s something about blogging that makes you instant old friends. Very cool.

  4. Beautiful post! So very true, weekends are truly wonderful and marvelous. I love spending time with my children, and I love feeling refreshed after doing so. I am blessed that I am able to spend as much time with them as possible.

  5. This post is exactly why we work so hard! Life is supposed to be filled with brunch, good friends, and happy children/families. I’m happy that you’re happy!

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