12 Nonfiction Books That I’m Reading This Year

My goal this year is to read more non-fiction books. Here are twelve non fiction books that I am reading in 2022.

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One of my reading goals this year is to read more nonfiction books.

I usually avoid non fiction books like the plague because it’s harder for me to get through them. But I like a challenge and I know I can do hard things. LOL

My reading goal this year is 100 books. Lower than last year, but realistic for me. It may seem like a lot, but I read daily and I’m going to have a lot of time on my hands in February and some of March so I might as well make use of it.

I’ve talked about how I read 100 books before and I have tips on how to read more if that’s a goal for you.

My superpower I like to think, is the speed that I can read a book. But when it comes to non fiction, my brain just doesn’t work the same.

Which is why I need the challenge.

My list is diverse: parenting, finances, memoris, self help, personal development and work based topics round out my list.

I’m excited to share my list with you all because I know I usually just stick to fiction.

But it’s a new year. It’s time to grow. It’s time to branch out a litlle…and do hard ( for me) things.

So I am starting small: one non fiction book a month.

But how?

Here is how I plan to tackle my non fiction reading list.

1.Read first thing in the morning.

I changed up my morning routine a bit so that I have time in the morning before working out, before getting the boy out, before everything really just for me. It’s been time to write in my gratitude journal and meditate. I have time to add in reading a chapter or two a day.

2. Use audible.

This really helped me last year. I listened to Will Smith’s book and it was a joy to listen to him narrate it. I have Tabitha Brown’s book on audible because who doesn’t want to listen to that voice? I tend to listen while cleaning, cooking and driving, so I know that will help me make it through.

3. Add reading to my evening routine.

This year,one of my goals is to reestablish my evening routine and to eliminate screens before bed to help with my insomnia. That mean no scrolling instagram, but reading a book instead along with some yoga and journaling. Perfect timing to get another chapter in.

Here is what I plan to read. In no particular order. ( to be honest, I might read more than one at once)

Bonus book: Prince Harry’s Memoir. It’s supposed to be released late this year. I will drop everything and read that one. And I will get the audible if he reads it. Cause..accent friends. LOL

So these are the non fiction books I’m going to read this year! HOld me accountable friends! If you read one let me know what you think!

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