43 things


Today I am 43.


You know when you are young you can’t imagine 43? It seems so..middle aged.

I remember when my parents hit their 40s..I was like GOD they are OLD! 

Side eyes younger self…

But now I’m 43. And…I don’t feel old. 

Aside from this bum knee which keeps me from running like I want to, I feel fine. 

If I’m honest, I feel like life is almost right where I want it to be. 

It took me almost 43 years to stop doing what everyone expected of me and start doing what I expect of me.

If took me 43 years to be comfortable in my own skin.

It took me 43 years to learn that I need to start making myself a priority again. That just because I’m a mom and a wife doesn’t mean that I come last.

So in honor of these 43 years of life, here are 43 things I’m going to do in this 43rd year. In no particular order…

  1. Get a housekeeper. Cause listen…it’s time
  2. Stop feeling guilty when I sleep late
  3. Eat the cake. But in moderation…
  4. Enjoy Pookah, because he is a joy
  5. Take a self-care weekend at a hotel, by myself.
  6. Take my Mommy somewhere. Just the two of us.
  7. Go to the Beach and not give two damns about what I look like in a two piece.
  8. Hire help for my business. Cause I can’t do it alone.
  9. Exercise for ME. Not because I’m supposed to, not to lose weight but because dammit I am tired of being out of breath going up the stairs.
  10. Loc my hair again.
  11. And add some color. These greys have got to go.
  12. Learn how to make a good gluten-free sourdough bread
  13. Go visit NYC like a tourist.
  14. Be a great Auntie to my new niece and nephew
  15. Embrace technology..and start using a digital calendar ( still not giving up my paper though)
  16. Go to Disney and Ride Avatar with Pookah
  17. Talk to more friends on the phone.
  18. Forgive a lot.
  19. Learn how to sew. Or at least hem some pants. 
  20. Stop accepting and making concessions when I don’t mean it. ( practiced that one today)
  21. Plan a trip to Hawaii
  22. And Italy.
  23. Learn how to apply eyeliner without poking my eye out.
  24. Organize my closet.
  25. Learn a new language..and not Spanish
  26. Put my feet in the sand…at least 5 times
  27. Run a 5K
  28. Read War and Peace
  29. Buy a Louis Vuitton Never Full Bag because I’m grown dammit.
  30. Go to brunch with my girls more often.
  31. Learn how to use chopsticks. Cause I’m tired of C Dub laughing at me.
  32. Go to church more often.
  33. Do something photography related that I’m not even going to put here…
  34. Go ice skating
  35. Ride in an hot air balloon
  36. See the Grand Canyon
  37. Have the whole family volunteer at a food bank.
  38. Get in 10K steps a day…at least 4 times a week
  39. Get a tatoo..maybe LOL
  40. Take PROFESSIONAL family portraits.
  41. Start scrapbooking 
  42. Work on a pottery wheel
  43. Be me.


  1. Definitely do that self-care weekend. About 20 odd years ago I went to a spa on my own it was great! It’s long overdue for another turn!

  2. I so get the not feeling old part. I turned 40 this year and look in the mirror and expect to see an “old” woman, or just a mature one. I don’t know…
    I’ve been dreaming of #5 for so long. Maybe I’ll do it this year.
    #15 Love Google calendar – we share one, my hubby and I, and it keeps the family organized and not missing too many things. 🙂
    And #25 – wanna learn German? I’ll help you!!!
    Auf Wiedersehen!

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