5 Things on a Friday


5 things on a Friday


5 Things on a Friday


  1. Instagram is rolling out new features for Instagram Stories including  the ability to tag people in your story, boomerangs right in stories and the ability to add a clickable link. That last point is the most exciting for content creators, BUT as of now you have to be verified to add a link.  Hopefully they will change this soon
  2. We went to see the Movie Trolls on Tuesday. It.was.hillarious. One of the best animated movies I’ve seen in a while.  Pookah loved it!  Check out these 5 reasons to go see it. And then go see it. LOL
  3. We are not having family over for Thanksgiving and we are not going anywhere. I wasn’t going to cook at all, but I think I might try one of these sides just to make it exciting.
  4. Pookah and his Daddy read to each other every night. It’s always been their thing since he was a baby.  BUT reading the Harry Potter Books is a me and Pookah thing and last night we finally started the illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I’m loving it all over again.
  5. With all that is going on right now, I think we need a little joy in our lives. I think that my Christmas tree might actually go up a full two weeks earlier than I usually do. Because why not? I’ve got a few decorating ideas of my own I want to try and some of these ideas might be on my list.


Have a great weekend!


  1. Our Thanksgiving will look like yours and I’m quite happy about it. I just want some time to relax my mind.
    We may squeeze in Trolls this weekend. It’s RJ’s bday weekend!
    I really want to start decorating for Christmas now, too. I was in Hobby Lobby yesterday and wanted all the things.

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