A 10 on 10 Photography Project… on the 13th
Sometime in June, I was talking to Pookah about what we should do in July and he turned to me and said:
We need to go to Grandma Rose’s House and to see the Cousins.
I’ve always thought it was funny that he refers to his cousins who live near my mother as THE cousins. Not my cousins, but THE cousins.
At first, I was worried how I would get him there and come home…but then it occurred to me that I can work anywhere. This is why I decided to work for myself. I have the flexibility to just up and travel to my mother’s house for a week if I wanted to.
So…Pookah and I packed up the car and headed to my mom’s house in the middle of the week.
To say Pookah had fun would be an understatement. He truly is living his best life this summer. But I enjoyed myself too. Coffee in the morning and working on the screened in porch was the best thing ever.
I rested.
I ate.
I enjoyed family and watching Pookah enjoy cousins.
It was a much-needed break from our usual day to day routines.
Now to some photos…
Disclaimer: this post was supposed to go live on the 10th ( 3 days ago), but life.
I haven’t done a 10 on 10 Photography project in a long time. It’s where you share 10 photos on the 10th day of the month. It’s storytelling in 10 photos
Technically there are 12 photos, but one is a collage so it works LOL.
I miss doing these photography posts, so I will be doing more!
How was your Holiday? Have you ever done a 10 on 10 Photography Project?
Photos in this post were taken with my iPhone 7 plus and my ( affiliate link) Canon M50 Mirrorless Camera.