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16 Photography Project Ideas to Improve Your Photography

At the start of every year, or sometimes in the middle of one, a photographer, or mom with a camera decides that their goal is to improve their photography.  One of the best ways to start is to start one of the many photography project ideas out there.  

Photography projects jumpstart your creativity, help you strengthen your photography skills and document parts of your every day life that you never would have captured otherwise. There are lots of ideas out there, but for this post I’ve got 16 photography project ideas for you! Choose one and watch your photography improve! And have fun!There are many photography project to choose from. I've got 16 photography project ideas to improve your photography skills. Choose one!

16 Photography Project Ideas 

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1) Project 365

This is one of the simplest and most popular photography project ideas out there. Simply, you take a photo every day for 365 days.

A project 365 is one of the best ways to improve your photography because it forces you to take a photo every day.  You can do this on your own by simply picking up your camera and taking a photo of whatever takes your fancy.  

Or you can participate in my 365 Project : Cherish Everyday!  Details here

2)Project 24

When you can’t quite make it for a project 365, sometimes, taking 2 photos a week is just the thing you need. With this project, you simply take 2 photos a week, every week for the entire year.

3)A Day in the Life

With this project, you choose one day and take photos all day to capture a day in the life of you, your family, your dog..anyone. It’s a great way to capture routines and a slice of your life on what is an ordinary day.  

I do these all of the time, and an easy way to do it is to set your timer every hour and take a photo.  You can do it with your DSLR or your iPhone.

4)30 Days of Thankful

Every Thanksgiving, or anytime for that matter, photographing something that you are thankful for 3o days straight not only improves your photography but helps you to acknowledge the things in life you are grateful for.

5)Pick one Lens for one week/one month/one year

The idea behind this project is to stick to one lens for an extended length of time.  For instance, if you shoot lifestyle photography, try sticking with shooting only your 35mm for a month.

Or for an even bigger challenge, try shooting only with a specialty lens like a Macro lens or a Lensbaby.

6) 10 on 10 Project

I love these! You take 1o photos on the 10th day of the month. It’s like a shortened Day in the Life.

I love these because it forces you to pick and choose the best photos from your day.

7) 100 Days of…

Simply: take a photo a day, 100 days in a row. My favorite here is the 100 Days of Summer

8) 52 Saturday Mornings

Simply, take a photo of your Saturday morning, every week for a year.   There is an active group on Instagram that does this or this blog here.

9)Work Through a Book

Looking for a Photography Project for 2016? Check out my list of 16 photography projects for 2016


There are a few photography based books that are meant to be worked through.  

Examples include Chris Orwig’s People Pictures: 30 Exercises for Creating Authentic Photographs and one of my favorites, The Visual Toolbox: 60 Lessons for Stronger Photographs (Voices That Matter).

10)ABC Project

Take each letter of the alphabet and take a photo of something related to or that starts with that letter. You can stretch it out 26 days, 26 weeks or 26 months.

11) Black and White Photography Project

Looking for a Photography Project for 2016? Check out my list of 16 photography projects for 2016

Take photos with the intention of converting them to monochrome.  If anything it will teach you what makes a good black and white photo.

You can do this by converting to black and white or take a photo in black and white IN camera.

12)Letters to Our Children

Each month,write a letter to your child or children and take photos surrounding the photos. Most photographers do this in a blog circle.  

13) Self Portraits

This one is a hard one, even in this world of selfie mania.  But a Self-portrait project is one of the best way to get in the frame and practice composition, light and storytelling with a cooperative subject. 

Most of these projects are weekly or monthly.

14)Shoot Like you are shooting film

Shoot Like you are shooting a roll of film: take exactly 36 shots like you are working with a “roll” of 36 exposures.  

Be intentional every single time you press your shutter button.

15) iPhone only Project

Shoot only with your iPhone. Shooting with your iPhone regularly can help you learn composition, light and  framing. And it’s so easy! I’ve done a 365 with my iPhone and right now I’m doing a day in the life like project called Saturdays

16) Project 52

A Project 52 is a project where you take a photo every week for 52 weeks. It’s a great alternative to the project 365 if you don’t feel like you have enough time to devote to a 365.

We started a Project 52 project here on Everyday Eyecandy this year and didn’t quite complete it. BUT, I’m going to try again. I figure since I’m going a 365 project, why not add in a Project 52?

Ever thought about doing a photography project to improve your photogrtaphy? Try a project 52! It's the Perfect alternative to a project 265


Unlike last year, It won’t be a formal challenge, but something I will share on social media and here on the blog. If you want to participate, tag your photos #eyecandyproject52 so I can see!!

 So there you have it, 16 photography projects ideas for you to get creative with! Which one will you choose?



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