A Photography Project For You……

How was your holiday?

Hopefully  you got everything you want from Santa and are now planning out your New Year’s goals and projects.

Last year, I completed a Project 365( where you take one photo a day for a year) with my iPhone. And I learned SO MUCH from that project!


I really really want to complete a Photography project with my Canon 6D, but for some reason, just never seems to happen with JUST my Canon.

So I’ve decided this year to try a Project 52 where you take one photo a week for the 52 weeks of the year.

And I’d love for you to join me!


Project 52


Even though I am using my Canon for this project, you can use whatever camera you’d like.

And if you got a new camera for Christmas, this is the perfect way to start practicing with your new toy and making new memories and your own everyday eyecandy along the way.

The point of this project is to improve your photography. To learn, create and to have FUN!

So starting this Thursday, January 1st, I’ll share the list of prompts for the year.

And each week, I’ll remind you of the prompt for that week.

In the meantime, SHARE your images!

I would love it if you would post your images on Instagram and tag me @lashawnwiltz


Upload your photo to the Everyday Eyecandy Facebook wall!

I want this project to be a community. I want us to get to know each other through our lenses.

I can’t wait to start!

See you Thursday!


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  1. This is Awesome! I want to get more into photography in the coming year. I have a Nikon and went to a photo summit event here in Oman last month to learn tips. Great job at practicing :-).

  2. Girl I failed the project 365 and I feel so bad *cries* I can catch up with my method but I am done got behind when I got sick. I did do 333 days though so I am proud of that. This will be good. I will need a reminder but will link up.

  3. What a great project an idea! I’m pretty sure I take a pic a day on my iPhone lol. I do have a camera that I don’t use often enough so once a week pic with it may work! I
    Love photography and plan to take a class for fun one day.

  4. I came across a 365 photo project today and immediately thought of you. I’m so glad you are hosting one. I will surely participate. I can definitely handle 1x week. LOL

  5. I love it! I just got the new Samsung Galaxy 2 for Christmas and Lord knows I need some practice using it and all of the cool features! I definitely need to step my photography game up so I’m looking forward to seeing your prompts.

      1. I love it because it takes high quality photos without me having to lug around a huge camera. I can fit it into any purse I carry and can now upload photos directly to social media straight from the camera. And I love the large screen too. But again, I need to spend more time learning how to use it properly cause I just dove right in and started snapping and recording away 🙂

  6. I am working on a 365 now! I just entered my 5th week. It’s going pretty good so far. Can’t wait to see your project this year!!

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