April Photo a Day Challenge 2019
April Photo a Day Challenge 2019
SO! Starting next Monday, April 1st, join me on Instagram for a photo challenge to spark your creativity and just capture your version of spring.
Here is how to join up!
- Simple: Just check the list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your inspiration.
- Then, share your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #everydayphotoaday.
- Go through the #Everydayphotoaday hashtag to like and comment and be a part of the community.
- Every Friday in April, I will go through and share four photos from the hashtag that have captured my attention in my Instagram stories.
- If you need an easy way to remember the prompts, CLICK here or the photo below to download it to your computer or your phone. OR just take a screenshot and save it!
I can’t wait to see what you guys share for the April Photo A Day Challenge!
Happy Shooting!
Here are the explanations of the prompts
1. Get in the photo: a selfie
2. Makes me Happy : take a photo of something that makes you happy
3. What I’m Reading: : show us what you are reading.
4. Happiness Is: What makes you happy?
5. Outside: Show us what it looks like outside in your neck of the woods.
6. What’s for Breakfast?: Show us what you had for breakfast or even what you want for breakfast.
7. Sunday Afternoon: What does your Sunday afternoon look like?
8. Eyecandy: Take a photo of something that is beautiful to you.
9. Favorite Time of Day :Show us your favorite time of day
10.Coffee Vs Tea :Do you drink coffee or tea?
11.To Do List :What is on your to-do list today?
12. Guilty Pleasure: What is your guilty pleasure?
13. Remember… Show us a memory, an old photo, a photo of something old.
14. Today I… What did you do today?
15. A Quote You Love : What is your favorite quote?
16. Chasing Light: Show us the light where you are. Low light, backlight, hard light, window light, any kind of light.
17.Morning Things: What kinds of things happen to you in the morning? What does your morning look like?
18. Throwback: Throwback Thursday: Show us a photo from the past.
19. Traditions: It’s the start of Passover and Easter week. What are some of your traditions?
20. All the colors: Spring is about color!
21. What you Wore: What did you wear today? Or yesterday?
22. Case of the Mondays: What is your Monday looking like?
23. Pink: Show us something pink. Or with a pink theme.
24. Faceless Portrait: A photo without a face. Could be just hands, body, back…
25. The View From Here: What are you looking at?
26. Pretty Things: Show us something pretty!
27. I’m obsessed with: What are you obsessed with?
28. Treat Yo Self: Self care. Show us how you treat yourself
29. From Where I Stand: Where are you standing?
30. 6 o’clock: That could be AM or PM. What’s happening?
Excited to jump in and join you for photo a day in April! Spring is a happy time so this should be fun!!! 🙂