August Eyecandy Photo A Day Project 2019

It’s time for the 2019 August Eyecandy Photo a Day Project for Instagram!

This will be the third year I do this photo a day project on Instagram, and I love it. It’s the perfect solution to bringing some life back into our Instagram accounts after neglecting them all summer long. And it’s FUN! The community that we have built up around the hashtags are fun and engaging.

august eyecandy photo a day 2019


So how do you participate?

Simple: Just check the list every day and take a photo using the prompt as your Inspiration.

Then, share your photo on Instagram using the hashtag #augusteyecandy

Go through the #augusteyecandy hashtag to like and comment ot be a part of the community.

And new this year, I’ve started an Instagram account to share your photos! If you want a chance to be featured, TAG your photos #augusteyecandy and go over to @theeverydayeyecandyproject to see if you’ve been featured! 

If you need an easy way to remember the prompts,CLICK here to downloador click the photo above to download it to your computer or your phone. OR just take a screenshot and save it!


Here is an explanation of all the prompts for the August Photo A Day Project….

1 You in the beginning: post a photo of you to introduce yourself!   

2 Fri yay: Take a photo that tells us about your Friday or why you are happy it’s Friday. Tell us about your weekend plans.

Obsessed: What are you currently obsessed with?

4 Summertime: What does summertime look like where you are?

5. This Morning: what happened this morning?

6 Where you work: show us what your workspace looks like, the place you work, where you are hanging out to work today

Today I’m grateful for…: take a photo to show what you are grateful for today! 

8 Black and white: share a black and white photo

9 Breakfast: What did you have for breakfast?

10 Saturday: what does your Saturday look like?

11 Weekend vibes: what is your weekend looking like?

12 What I’m reading: what are you reading this week?

13 8 o’clock: what happened at 8 o’clock? AM or PM

14 Coffee vs Tea: which one is your favorite or a photo of your favorite drink or you drinking it

15 TBT Throwback Thursday: show us an old photo. A throwback! 

16 Faceless Selfie: a Selfie that does not include your face.

17 Rule of thirds: take a photo using the Rule of thirds. Want to know what this is? Click HERE to learn more

18 Made you smile: what made you smile today?

19  My Favorite: what is your favorite thing? Person? Place? Etc

20  Morning Light: show us what the light looked like that morning. 

 21 Everyday Eyecandy: show us something ordinary that is beautiful to you.

22 In your bag: what’s in your bag?

23  But first…: What do you do before anything?

24 Today was… What happened today?

 25  Sunday Funday: What did you do on Sunday?

 26 Starts with M: Something that starts with M 

 27 A portrait: Take a portrait of someone and share. 

 28 Laughter: What makes you laugh?

 29 Happiness is: What makes you happy?

 30 What you wore: What did you wear today? Doesn’t have to be the whole outfit, can be a portion of it!

 31  You at the end: A photo of you, 30 days after we started! 

I can’t wait to see everyone’s photos for August Eyecandy 2019!!! Make sure you are following me on Instagram @lashawnwiltz!

Pin this and share it with your friends so they can join too!


august eyecandy photo a day 2019


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