Back to School: Tips for a Successful Year

I don’t know about you guys, but I was SHOCKED to look at the calendar and realize that it is already time to go back to school! School starts NEXT month! The summer went by so fast!  Pookah will be entering the second grade this year and it’s becoming even more important that he is prepared for school.  Right now, he loves learning and he loves school.  I want to do my best to keep it that way! He’s excited about shopping for back to school supplies and I admit that when I saw his school supply list in Walmart, I got excited. too. So to help him be a success, there are a few things I try to do every year to help him succeed when he goes back to school…

Back to School Prep: Tips for a Successful Year

It is time to get organized and get ready for back to school. Check out these tips to have a successful school year.


Prepping for back to school means having a healthy breakfast

My mother always made sure I had breakfast before I left for school in the morning, and I do the same for Pookah.  The hard part is fitting in a healthy breakfast on top of all the madness that is getting ready for school and out of the door on time.  But I take the time to get him something simple like oatmeal or Honey Nut Cheerios( they are gluten-free now!)

Back to school healthy breakfast with cheerios


The night before, lay out those clothes( because who hasn’t lost valuable time in the morning looking for that one clean sock? No one.? well….) Mornings go smoother when clothes are already chosen, ironed and laid out, when lunches are packed, homework checked and backpacks are by the door, ready to go.


back to school lunch preparation! The key to to be prepared

If breakfast is the most important part of starting your kids’ day, then lunch helps them keep on going. I admit to falling into the temptation of chips and cookies sometimes, but fixing Pookah a healthy lunch helps him with brain power during the day.  Healthy lunches and snacks are so important to a healthy mind.

Go to sleep

I don’t know about your kid, but Pookah has been off of his sleep schedule all summer with the excuse that…it’s summer. But regular bedtimes and routines help our kids do better. It helps them to be able to focus and be ready to learn.

Get involved

back to school with box tops from Walmart!

Get involved with your child’s school. Nothing says that you care like showing up, getting to know the teacher or joining the PTO. Being there not only shows the teachers that you care, but it shows your child too.  My son goes to a small private school that can always use extra hands, hearts and supplies. One of the easy ways I get involved is to collect box tops.  General Mills wanted to create a program to help support education and benefit America’s schools. For every box top you clip, you earn 10 cents for your school.  We use box tops at our school to purchase computers for the computer labs, toys for the early learning center and classroom supplies for our children. So this year, not only am I purchasing our school supplies from Walmart, but we are shopping General Mills products there too so that we can clip our box tops. You receive 4 additional box tops for every 1 you purchase exclusively at Walmart! Find out if your school has a box top program and start clipping! It’s an easy way to get involved, get your kids involved and help your school.


That is how I am helping Pookah get ready to go back to school! What are you doing? How are you ensuring your child’s success this school year?


  1. We are implementing bed times around here this week. It’s going to be tough as this will be the first full year without the hubs so everything is on me. I have explained to the kids that they are responsible for some things this year so that we have a smooth year ahead.

  2. This year we are adding a quiet time before bed. 30 mins of peace before lights out. All snacks eaten, permission slips signed, outfits out, all baths taken, no excuse period of time before kisses and prayers.

  3. Cheerios are a staple around our house. I LOVE your photos as usual. I haven’t even really thought about back to school, but breakfast is definitely going to be something I pay more attention to than last year.

  4. I kept their routine all summer with the exception of last week and I’m paying for it!

    For Z, I prep her clothes for the week on Sunday. Pack her activities bags as well.

    Hope your Pooka has a great year!

  5. Your son is adorable! I do not have any children but as I prepare for the school year to resume, I am readjusting my schedule as well. Even as a teacher bed times and breakfast are important in having a successful and productive day.

  6. I can’t believe how soon school will be starting! My family eats Honey Nut Cheerios every week and I’ll be stocking up for the school year.

  7. Wow, I feel like school starts earlier and earlier each year. Since we homeschool, our “back to school” looks a wee bit different. We do have co-ops that we’re a part of. Currently, I’m working out the curriculums as this will be the first year all three kids will be officially “in school”. Pray for me 🙂

  8. We are a month out from the first day of school.

    My son is going to 7th grade so I’ve passed the prep work on him.

    On Sunday he irons up a week worth of uniforms.

    I’ve been a die hard box top collector for years. I take them from family and friends too.

  9. Even though I don’t have kids, I can’t believe it’s time for back to school already. That was fast LOL. Pookah is so handsome and we have something in common because I love Cheerios.

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