Sigh. I’m supposed to be watching Orange is the New Black. But I’ve been watching the back of my eyelids instead. There is so much good television to be found on Netflix!!!! I’m behind on all my shows. I haven’t even finished House of Cards yet. And I’m behind on Call the Midwife too….
Grey By E.L. James. * hangs head in shame* Ok OK OK, I admit I read all three of the 50 shades books and my curiosity about this one wouldn’t let me NOT get it. It’s not the best writing, but…it’s a great way to get out of MY head. *goes to my corner*
Did you hear Ms Lauryn Hill’s version of Nina Simones’ Feeling Good??? YASSSSSSS !!! I can’t wait until this comes out next week!I love me some Nina Simone, but it’s rare anyone covers one of her songs well.
Since the Vegetarian thing has been going on for the month of June( how many more days do we have left????) I’ve been experimenting with different veggies and different ways to make them. Last week I discovered Roasted Eggplant. Where have I been???? Add an avocado salsa I made on top and I SWEAR FO GOD it’s good!( Yes I’ll share the recipe later. I SWEAR its soo good!)
STRESSED. There are so many things going on in my personal life AND my professional life AND my bloggy life that I am in a word: OVERWHELMED. I need a vacation. I need to win the lottery. I need my husband to get the raise of the century so I can quit that full-time job and stay at home and be a mom, wife, sex slave, housekeeper and cook.( that was sarcasm in case you didn’t figure that out)
My trip to Blogher in 3 weeks, My trip to Blogalicious in September( with a side trip to DC to see friends), Our little family weekend getaway in August and of course DISNEY in November. ALL THE TRAVEL. And no idea how it’s all going to happen. Let Us Pray.
Fresh flowers. If you notice on Instagram lately, I’ve been posting a lot of flowers. Flowers are my happy place. I’ve got them all over the house and I find that those happy rays of sunshine raise my mood during the day. Who knew?
What’s currently going on in your life?
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I was watching OITNB at the hubs family house the other day and I was lost I need to see it from the beginning but I just couldn’t get into it.Love your flowers too. I am trying to be creative a bit more with my instagram pictures but it’s not happening lol.
I love orange is the new black but yes I am also guilty of sleeping instead! I am behind on so many shows it’s incredible, especially on Netflix!
I love fresh colorful flowers this time of year. They make me feel happy. I completely get the stress. In the same boat and also have lots of travel coming up. Won’t make it to those conferences this year based on timing but I heard they are great! I saw that there is a Nina Simone documentary coming out on netflix this weekend.
During the Summer I watch all the shows funny shows like Wipe Out and so on. I’m trying to read a few books too. I like the idea that your sharing your life. I may do something like this too.
OITNB season 3 was a bit disappointing to me. I barely wanted to finish the season. I heard there is another show on Netflix similar to it, but came out before OITNB. I was told this one is way better.
Oh noooo! Don’t tell me that! LOL I feel the same way about this season’s House of Cards. It’s Slooooooow
I am determined to watch OITNB I just haven’t gotten around to it. I’m not a huge show watcher because it is all i can do to fall in the bed at night!
I’m about as OVERWHELMED as you are. I have been trying my new tactic of writing everything down when I get crazy and flustered. It’s been working for the most part.l
This season of Orange is the New Black isn’t as exciting as last season, but I really loved the finale. I’ve been watching episodes of A Different World on Nexflix. We don’t have it on reruns in Arkansas, so I’m loving that it is available on Nextflix now.
Oh I really need to see all of a Different World! It comes on one of our channels here as reruns, I catch it sometimes but it’s on at a strange time.
I like this concept of updating your readers of what is going on, your casual happenings and future plans. Ohh, I Love Nina Simone got to check this out thanks for suggesting!
I love this currently thing…
Watching: Marriage Boot Camp, I had 6 on the DVR I’ve been clearing them out.
Reading: Nothing, I finished my Miss Jessie book last week by Miko & Titi Branch
Listening: Nothing in-particular
Making: I am custom designing 7 pair of Converse for a bridal party
Feeling: Lots of anxiety about life…
Planning: A trip to SC for a wedding next month.
Loving: Pineapple
Girl, we all go through those moments of overwhelm. The key is to ask for help and decide that you’re going to unload your plate of whatever you can to take back your sanity! For me, I tend to just take it one moment at a time and try not to think too far ahead. Woo sah… Love the flowers!
The summers are so busy, I looking forward to catching up on all my shows. I’ve been enjoying spending time with my girls! Been focusing on writing more and capitalizing on the creating when I can.
I’m only 4 eps into OITNB and thats not on purpose! I still love it so much, just no time. When I watch I have to watch by myself, no distractions and of course no husband because his chatty behind RUINS EVERYTHING lol!
You’ve got a lot going on! But like all professional mommies, you will get it done and will look great doing it! I’ve got a bunch going on too. Just getting back from Disney where we celebrated Mini Me’s birthday. And then a birthday party yesterday. Got the holiday weekend coming up, and a wedding the following weekend, and trying to squeeze in a trip to Chicago to see my BFF, and my sister is getting married in September, and….OVERWHELMED! Hang in there, and I will too!
I hadn’t heard that Lauryn Hill cover but I will definitely be looking it up now! I won’t be at BlogHer but I’ll be at Blogalicious so look forward to seeing you there. When I get overwhelmed, I take a step back to figure out what I’ve piled on my plate, and what needs to be taken off, shifted or given/delegated to someone else. We all get there, the key is not staying there 🙂
I love this roundup of life for you. So personalizing. I, too, am behind on all show and feeling totally overwhelmed by everything! And as I write this I am at the airport so it never ends LOL
So I have a confession. I ‘ve never seen OITNB but I do have plans to watch it ..someday lol. I too have been a bit overwhelmed . I just had a girls day, complete with massage and I feel a bit better. Here’s to raises and hassle free travel.
I haven’t a clue where I’d be without Netflix. I gave up cable tv last year and haven’t been able to really watch it since. We only keep for the kids and because my husband can’t live without his sports channel and to watch the news here and there. It’s taking me a while to watch this season of OITNB. I haven’t been trying to binge watch it.
And no worries my copy of Grey on the way. Sometimes we need to read things that help us escape from all the madness in our minds and there’s nothing wrong with that. We like what like.