

So many things!

  • Game of Thrones: So now that the series has caught up with the books ( except one BIG detail that I’m wondering when they are going to reveal it) Bae is really dead? and WTH happened to Melisandre? That was one hell of a filter she’s been using! I mean…OMG (edited Monday to add: BAE LIVES!!!!)
  • Lemonade:  I mean, it’s just so beautiful and full of gorgeous imagery. I am not a part of the Beehive, but…I mean….
  • Every interview, press, video that has to do with Prince. There were so many level to that man. I am enjoying all of it with a twist of sadness. He was deeper than our imaginations ever made him out to be. ( sad sigh)


Thinking about doing whole 30


Whole 30.

My problem is that I am always starting diets( weight watchers, south beach) or trying new fads ( vegan, green smoothie challenge)

I’m 40. It’s time to make a lifestyle change so I don’t have to keep doing this. So I can stop worrying in January about getting right for the new year or going crazy in may trying to get summer ready. My only REAL concern is that no coffee in my cream, no cream in my coffee. You see my problems. I’m exploring options, so if I try this, you know I found a whole 30 approved substitute.


Besides Prince?????!?!?!

I’ve been educating Pookah and I can promise you that he can now recognize a whole lot of Prince songs. I messed up and let him hear Erotic City one too many times though. Let us pray he doesn’t go to to school and sing it. Cause…

But I’ve been enjoying listening to old favorites forgotten. Like Starfish and Coffee, Anotherloverholeohead, and International Lover.

I still cant believe that just two weeks ago I was at his concert for my birthday and he was ALIVE. ON THE STAGE. As phenomenal as usual.


Theses vegan tacos are also gluten free

These Vegan Tacos. Yes, I know, I said no fads, but these were amazing and healthy.  AND gluten free ( if you want) So it’s all a win in my book. Recipe coming  next month.


A bit..ashamed.  I KNOW I said my ebook was coming out this month, but guys…

Sometimes( in my case a lot), life gets in the way of my bloggy plans/dreams.  I could have put out my first version of my ebook but in my opinion, it wasn’t my best work.  IT was rushed, trying to make a deadline that I set for myself. I don’t want to put something out there just to have something out there. If I am expecting someone to shell out their hard earned money for my work, it will be my best.


SNAPCHAT! Listen, I resisted. I loaded and deleted the app FOUR times before my bloggy boo Jennifer convinced me to try it again. I love the randomness of it. I love that most people are not “on brand” on it. Sure, they share about Blogging and bloggy life( Like I’ve done at Mom 2.0 this week), but it’s like a random slice of life and I like that.I don’t talk about photography tips, just random thoughts and occasional dance sessions set to Luke songs. Follow me….LaShawnWiltz


the beach at Jekyll isand is beautiful

Summer vacation trips! To me, May is the official start of summer. I mean, school gets out, it’s warm, allergy season is over and it’s time to TRAVEL!. Pookah is demanding the beach and I shall make it happen.  Along with our first ever weekend away as a couple since having Pookah….6 years ago…. ..YAAASSS

SO tell me, what’s going on in your life?




  1. I am on there and Jennifer tried to school me today but ommmmm yeah I am not on the train yet. I am currently trying to see if I want to bring Kokoa Media back I am getting sick of the emails begging me and wanting to pay me extra I guess I need to take their money in some form or fashion

  2. Haha! I can picture him singing Erotic City in class! 🙂 . You would have some ‘splaning to do! I think it was a good idea to delay your ebook till it is as good as you want it to be. Glad you got to see Prince shortly before his passing. Life is fleeting. I hope you get to the beach for Pookah’s sake 🙂

  3. I love snapchat. Not every os made for it. Some people who blog are boring there. I love Prince. I miss him like a 1st cousin and thats how i cried. I love Beyoncé new album. Its great and very different for her. Im still working on 2 books and decided not to give myself time limited. I hate disappointing myself.

    So you visiting cali or nawl?

  4. I have a Snap Chat and I won’t to play with all the cool kids, but I don’t know how to use it. I still haven’t watched Lemonade, it is on the DVR so I will put eyes to it this week.

  5. I’m still on the fence with Snapchat. I think I’ll downloaded so I stay relevant lol. Prince is being played everywhere here because this is his hometown.

  6. I have yet to even try snapchat. It seems like as soon as I get use to one thing there is new thing. Here’s to summer trips, now if summer would just start…

  7. The vegan tacos look great. I’m actually doing a 10-day cleanse. I’ve done it before, but I need to drop a little bit more so I’ve decided to do it again.

  8. Wow! You deserve a much needed weekend trip away. I’m right there with you with Prince…such a huge loss! And I’m right there with you with Snapchat too. I had to watch a YouTube tutorial and call my nephew for instructions when I first started using it – lol. But I like it so much better than live video on Periscope…it just feels more comfortable.

  9. I tried Whole 30 once but didn’t make it all the way through because…birthday cake :). I definitely want to give it another go.

  10. Allergy season isn’t over yet out here, but I am so ready to get out and do stuff without sneezing and wheezing. Your photos are so wonderful… we had our Mexican night this week, and our tacos and burritos didn’t look like this!

  11. Catching up on your blog! Thanks for the Whole 30 recommendation – getting now…Totally can’t get into Snapchat; I don’t need anymore distractions O_o…Can’t believe school’s out so soon for you guy and I thought June 20 up here was sneaking up on me too fast. How did our kids get so big??? Someday I dream of Pookah and Nia meeting 😉

  12. Snap is Like! I am totally off brand with mine…sorry I want to live my life without being “watch” and on job! Its the only social media platform I am not “working” on and it gives fun behind the scenes look of my life. And filters and face changes!!!

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