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So much better. I spend last month in a constant state of overwhelm. I’m working on getting better systems in place and re-working my work time. The key is to not to expect to get a whole lot done while Pookah is actually in class. I constantly get interruptions from questions he has, him being logged out by our crazy internet or him just wanting to chit chat in between classes.

So I’m working on system to keep everything in going and to help me work smarter not harder.

And oh, realizing that some days my to do list will not get finished, and that’s ok.


It’s a new month, so of course I have a new reading list for the month!

I’m starting with Red at The Bone by Jacqueline Woodson. This book has been following me on social media. I’m going to curl up with a blanket and a cup of coffee and read ALL DAY.



I’m trying to be healthy over here in my quest to …lose weight.

Yeah, I know that’s not the PC thing these days but LISTEN.

The pounds need to be gone!

But I have have what my Health coach calls “treat meals.” I’m making Gluten Free Pumpkin Waffles this weekend . If they are good, the recipe will be up on Monday.


The Rants and Randomness Podcast episode featuring Brandon from The Humans of New York. I HOPE you have been following along on Instagram to read the story about Tanqueray I mean. It is everything!!!



The Social Dilemma. The issue is, I can’t make myself finish this one. I work on social media. I know the pitfalls, I’m not going to stop using it because it’s how I pay my mortgage

All I can do is set limits( which i do) and log off and live my life.


Some type of roadtrip for the long weekend coming up! I feel like we need and deserve to get out of this house and be somehwere else.

Of course, the issue is all the social distancing in these corona virus streets.

I’m thinking a quick road trip to somebody’s cabin or house in the middle of nowhere.


Well that’s all that’s going on in my life. What’s going on in yours?

One Comment

  1. I have been trying to finish an online course called tefl – Teach English as a Foreign Language. It is eventually to teach english online as I am currently unemployed. I find it very difficult to focus so it will have to take as long as it takes!

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