Our Disney Vacation Day 4: Everything else…

Out last day at Disneyworld, we checked out magic Kingdom and Animal kingdom. This is a photo essay of our trip that day!

Warning, this post is photo HEAVY!

On our last full day at Disney, we headed back to the beloved Magic Kingdom, but only spent half a day there. We traveled over to the Animal Kingdom just to see what it was about. I admit, I had no idea what to expect and was surprised! We had lunch at  Flame Tree Barbecue and it was great Especially since they had a gluten free menu!  By the end of the day we were exhausted. we had dinner, spent a little more time by the pool and then passed out.  So here is our last day…..



Early morning wait to catch the shuttle to disney magic kingdom

Disney mono-rail at Disneyworld magic kingdom

using the magic bands at Disney is so convenient.

Balloons on main street at disneyworld


off to ride the tomorrowland speedway again!

Waiting in line for the tomorrowland speedway.

riding in the cars at disneyworld's tomorrowland speedway.

we love it's a small world in the Magic Kingdom

using disney magic bands on our disney vacation

getting ready to ride it's a small world

it's s small world after all

Disney's its a small world ride.

Fun times at Disney's magi kingdom

starbucks at the magic kingdom!

Starbucks on main street at Disney in the magic kingdom

starbucks at the magic kingdom

parage time on mainstreet at the magic kingdom

time to go to animal kingdom!

Time to visit disney's animal kingdom

disney animal kingdom

The tree of life at Disney's animal kingdom

Flame tree barbecue at Disney's animal kingdom

Gluten free dining at Flame Tree barbecue in the animal kingdom

the animal kingdom at Disneyworld

listening to music in the animal kingdom

disney vacation animal kingdom-19Fun times in dino rama in the animal kingdom

playing to win in the animal kingdom

trying to win a stuffed animal at the animal kingdom

animal kingdom fun

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And that, my friends, concludes our vacation at Disney. It was so much fun and I can’t wait to go again. The only thing I would do different is to hand the camera off to someone else every once in a while. I’m in some of my iPhone photos, but not any of the Canon ones!  But next time, I’ll document more that I was there. In fact, I’m plotting a cruise…shhhhhh…….



  1. I’m so ready to go back to Disney and so is RJ. I’m currently trying to figure out if we’re going to head back sometime this year. Though the cruise does sound nice. I almost chose that over Disney World last year. The plus of the cruise is the kids club. It would allow Ralph and I some “couple time”. Decisions Decisions.

  2. We are thinking of doing a cruise this year for Disney but I am quite scared because I don’t know how to swim and I don’t know why I just need to learn some basics before I go on a big boat *sigh* I was just saying where are you in the photos….

  3. We’re about to start planning our first Disney vacation soon (I’ve been as a kid but not as an adult with kids!) Trying to debate between the cruise as well. It looks like you guys had a great time. I can’t wait for my boys to get the experience :).

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