Do a little dance……
The seller accepted our offer!!!
*falls out breakdancing, crying*
And want to close by December 14.
*Side eye.*
Well. Alrighty then.
This means that I have a visit with my mother in law, thanksgiving, packing up one house, moving to another, deep cleaning both, Christmas finding Pookah ANOTHER daycare(because we are clear on the other side of town now. In the suburbs.) AND work.
so um, you guys will excuse me if you don’t hear from me much in December.
I will be on this space about once a week probably. Maybe 2. for updates.
But you guys are going to be busy with the holidays too, soooooooooo
I can’t believe it! We got the house!!!
Oh and today I’m going to get my Camera!!!!!
All is right with the world….
P.S. Did you see Scandal last night? Chiiiiiild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats. I will send you the post that I will put out about our project don’t worry about getting back with me. I hope the move goes well and we hope to hear you settled by the New Year
Congratulations!!! On all of it!
I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! (hugs) congrats!!!!!! Good luck with the packing (and unpacking) 🙂 What a blessing!!
Doing the happy dance with you! Congratulations and good luck with cleaning, packing & moving! Whew!
I’m so excited for you! Sucks that you have to move a this crazy time of year, but YAY!
Congrats on everything! #blessings
Congrats! So happy for you guys!