Family Time

Today is my Dad’s 70th birthday.

We all made the pilgrimage to see him this past weekend.

I have many pictures in my head from this weekend:

Pookah learning to play pool and dominos, taught patiently by his Uncle.

Daddy's Birthday Weekend

Daddy's Birthday Weekend

Pookah and Cdub out in the yard throwing footballs and learning how to kick. All the while screaming “HUT HUT”!!!!


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daddys birthday weekend-3

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Me and my mother sitting in the sunshine, giggling as Pookah ran circles around his obviously tired and out of shape Uncle and Daddy.

Us Snagging Pookah for a photo and then teasing him until he smiled big.

Daddy's Birthday Weekend

My mother re-teaching me to make a dish of hers that I could never get right. Only to find out, she had left out two important steps.

My mother smiling happily because she had both of her children in her kitchen at the same time and her Grandson screaming Grandma Rose, come see!

My Daddy smiling at Pookah when he came in to give him a drawing.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

And finally, my Daddy trying to say I love you back to me right before I left.

He hasn’t spoken in over a year.

So it was a good weekend. I wanted to compare this birthday weekend to last, but couldn’t do it. We can’t look back in life and wish for what was. That only leads to sadness and regret. We can only take this moment, and enjoy the love and joy of THIS time, THIS moment.

Happy Birthday Daddy. Love you bunches.


**all Photos taken with Canon 6D and Canon 35mm 2.0 Lens.  Except the last photo which was taken with my iphone 5 and edited with VSCOcam. *


  1. What a blessing it is to spend quality time with family. Family is so important! I love the way you captured everyone’s emotions. You are so gifted. Thank you for sharing.

  2. So much love in these photos, captured beautifully. It’s good to be reminded of the importance of family, and how much happiness can be found in a simple relationship.

  3. spending time with our loved ones is so important especially as they get older. Memories to last a lifetime! Happy Birthday to your Dad!

  4. What an incredibly touching ending to this post–that’s so sweet that you were all able to gather in honor of your dad! I bet he appreciated it even if he couldn’t verbally share it with you. 🙂

  5. That is why I love photos not so much of the pictures but having these memories to look back on it’s priceless. Happy Birthday to your Dad.

  6. Happy Birthday to your Dad. Pookah will surely remember these moments with his grandparents. My babies have a Grandma Rose as well!

  7. BEAUTIFUL pictures MyFriend. It looks like it was an wonderful birthday weekend. Happy Birthday to YourDaddy!

  8. Ugh why do you have my eyes wet. Happy & Blessed Birthday to your dad. Such beautiful family moments captured. Sweet.

  9. Very happy you got to see your Daddy for this birthday and visit with your family! I can’t believe how big Pookah is getting, but I should. Great memories you are creating and to capture them in photos is even better!

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