Fourth of July Weekend Recap

It’s Tuesday and we are all back to work, but…

I had an awesome Fourth of July and the weekend, how about you?

Last year, Pookah and I drove down to my mother’s house on own on because C Ddub had to work, but this time, he came with.

I love visiting my mom’s house, it’s like this peaceful oasis in the middle of the country. Wi-fi is bad to non-existent, and there is plenty of fresh air…







Good food and family! ( it was HOT)



And every year, I feel like I get a photo of these four in a pool. Are we going to have to keep buying bigger pools? LOL


Cdub outdid himself ( and apparently is wallet) with the fireworks display. All the neighbors said they felt like they were at a professional show lol. 

And although I was thinking I would spend all weekend moaning about the fact that I wasn’t at Essence Fstival AGAIN, and stalking everyone on IG,  I ended up napping, laughing, and unable to scroll as much as I would like due to that wifi situation mentioned above.

It was so so nice to be basically unplugged for a change and not a slave to my inbox.

I managed about once or twice a day to get in that one spot that I could upload video and photos to. Mind you it took me about 15 minutes for each photo and even longer for video so by Friday I was over it. 

We spend the day watching the Star Wars Marathon on TNT,  eating leftover barbecue, and enjoying my mom’s flowers.

And on Saturday afternoon, we headed home.

Which I capped off by watching Stranger things, restocking our fridge, buying plants and more napping.

Did I mention no work?

It was a glorious weekend!

How was your holiday weekend?



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