Getting Back to Our Back to School Routines

Getting Back to Our Back To School Routines

How did the summer go by so quickly? It seems like only yesterday we were getting out of school looking forward to free time and those lazy days of summer.  And now we are going back-to-school supply shopping, planning new lunch menus, getting uniforms, organizing and getting ready to go back. I spent the last few weeks before school started getting us BOTH ready to get back to our back-to-school routines. 

For Pookah, that means rolling back bedtime, rolling back video game usage, waking him up earlier and earlier every morning and getting him back in the school mind frame. For me, that means going back to my own regular daily routine of waking up earlier than he does so that I can have time to fix breakfast, check on homework and get us both out the door on time. 

And it means returning back to my morning workout routine. Because let’s be really honest here, I ate entirely too much on vacations, at barbecues and at Grandma’s house. LOL.  I have been working out this summer but haven’t been consistent because it’s not a part of my routine to workout at any time of the day. Mornings are what I do best. It’s time to get back to it. 

back to school routines

That means that I need to have everything ready the night before, so I can get us both out the door on time and ready. So, in addition to packing lunch and bookbags the night before, I’ll be laying my clothes out the night before and packing my own exercise bag.

our back to school routines

And what’s in my bag? I always make sure I have:

Headphones: Because who can work-out without music or my favorite podcast?

My phone: Because my running app is necessary to keep me motivated.

A Towel: Because friends…I sweat. 

My running shoes: Because I finally broke down and got a great pair so that my knees would stop complaining.

is exercise part of your back to school routine?

A Water Bottle: I have to stay hydrated while working out. As a part of my morning routine, I drink 32 oz of water before I even have coffee! And I keep drinking when I work out so that I won’t be dehydrated. 

poise helps me with my back to school routines

Poise Active Collection: These liners have become my BFF for these early morning workouts! I love that the wings help them stay in place. No more sticking to my thigh and twisting while I’m active. I don’t even notice that they are there. Being active is important to me. It’s helping me live my best life and keep up with Pookah. I’m glad I have Poise to help me out and give me that extra protection, just in case. 

I’m looking forward to both of us restarting our back-to-school routines. I can’t wait to see what the school year brings Pookah, and I can’t wait to see the results of me working out consistently again! 

What do you look forward to the most in your back-to school-routines?

This article is sponsored by Poise Brand.  All opinions expressed are my own.


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